Disability History Month: Ableism Do's and Don'ts

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Swansea University Students’ Union<br />

<strong>Disability</strong><br />

<strong>History</strong> <strong>Month</strong><br />

<strong>Ableism</strong><br />

Do’s <strong>and</strong><br />


Do’s<br />

Do talk to disabled people - use the same tone <strong>and</strong><br />

language as you would with anyone else, don’t infantilise<br />

disabled people (talk to them like children) <strong>and</strong> avoid<br />

comments like, “I wish I had a wheelchair”, it’s quite<br />

patronising.<br />

Do actively listen - Really listen when disabled people talk<br />

to you, this includes listening if they want to talk about<br />

their disability, this will show them that you value them<br />

<strong>and</strong> will help ensure they don’t feel dismissed.<br />

Do feel free to offer help - You can offer to help them but<br />

watch your tone, avoid being pushy or condescending <strong>and</strong> if<br />

they decline the offer, listen <strong>and</strong> accept that they said “no”.<br />

Be considerate when making plans - Try <strong>and</strong> include your<br />

disabled friends <strong>and</strong> family members in activities <strong>and</strong> where<br />

possible, try <strong>and</strong> ensure it’s somewhere that is accessible or<br />

is an activity they can participate in, help ensure they aren’t<br />

isolated because of their disability.<br />

Treat disabled people as valued members of society -<br />

Disabled people can work <strong>and</strong> being active members in<br />

communities <strong>and</strong> society in general, disabled people want<br />

to have the opportunity to contribute like anyone else.

Don’ts<br />

Don’t use facilities designed for disabled people -<br />

Able-bodied people can use any facility but disabled<br />

people don’t have that option <strong>and</strong> rely on facilities such as<br />

accessible toilets <strong>and</strong> parking spaces.<br />

Don’t call disabled people inspirational - Saying that<br />

disabled people are inspirational just for doing normal<br />

things is condescending <strong>and</strong> implies that nothing is<br />

expected from them.<br />

Don’t play the blame game - Their lifestyle didn’t cause <strong>and</strong><br />

won’t be worsening their disability <strong>and</strong> they aren’t doing<br />

anything wrong.<br />

Don’t play disabled top-trumps - Don’t compare disabilities,<br />

different people have different experiences <strong>and</strong> ultimately,<br />

it’s not a competition.<br />

Don’t criticise disabled people for having a good day -<br />

Smiling, laughing, walking etc, doesn’t mean that their<br />

disabilities have gone away or “isn’t that bad”, let them<br />

enjoy their good days without making them feel guilty for<br />

having them.

Definitions<br />

<strong>Ableism</strong><br />

<strong>Ableism</strong> is discrimination in favour of non-disabled<br />

people. <strong>Ableism</strong> assumes that able-bodied people are<br />

superior to anyone living with a disability.<br />

The Stop <strong>Ableism</strong> Organisation describes ableism as:<br />

“The practices <strong>and</strong> dominant attitudes in society that<br />

devalue <strong>and</strong> limit the potential of persons with<br />

disabilities.”<br />

Disablism<br />

Disablism is discrimination or prejudice against<br />

disabled people.<br />

Microaggression<br />

• A microaggression is a subtle behaviour – verbal or<br />

non-verbal, conscious or unconscious – directed at a<br />

member of a marginalized group that has a derogatory,<br />

harmful effect.<br />

• Microaggressions are everyday actions <strong>and</strong> behaviours<br />

that have harmful effects on marginalized groups.<br />

• Unlike other forms of discrimination, the perpetrator of<br />

a microaggression may or may not be aware of the<br />

harmful effects of their behaviour.

Invisible Disabilities<br />

Definition<br />

Invisible <strong>Disability</strong>, or hidden disability, is an umbrella term that<br />

captures a whole spectrum of hidden disabilities or challenges<br />

that are primarily neurological in nature.<br />

Invisible Disabilities are certain kinds of disabilities that are not<br />

immediately apparent to others.<br />

Types of Invisible Disabilities<br />

ADHD<br />

Anosmia<br />

Anxiety disorders<br />

Allergies<br />

Arachnoiditis<br />

Asperger Syndrome<br />

Asthma<br />

Autism<br />

Bipolar disorder<br />

Brain injuries<br />

Chronic fatigue syndrome<br />

Chronic pain<br />

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders<br />

Coeliac Disease<br />

Crohn's disease<br />

Depression<br />

Diabetes<br />


Epilepsy<br />

Fibromyalgia<br />

Fructose malabsorption<br />

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance<br />

Hyperhidrosis<br />

Hypoglycemia<br />

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)<br />

Interstitial cystitis<br />

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)<br />

Lactose Intolerance<br />

Lupus<br />

Lyme Disease<br />

Metabolic syndrome<br />

Migraines<br />

Multiple Sclerosis<br />

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity<br />

Myasthenia Gravis<br />

Narcolepsy<br />

Personality disorders<br />

Primary immunodeficiency<br />

Psychiatric disabilities<br />

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy<br />

Repetitive stress injuries<br />

Rheumatoid arthritis<br />

Schnitzler's Syndrome<br />

Schizophrenia<br />

Scleroderma<br />

Sjögren's Syndrome<br />

Trigeminal Neuralgia<br />

Spinal Disorders<br />

Temporom<strong>and</strong>ibular joint disorder<br />

Transverse Myelitis<br />

Ulcerative Colitis

Further Reading<br />

https://metro.co.uk/2020/02/11/what-does-being-ableist-m<br />

ean-12221655/<br />

https://www.scope.org.uk/about-us/disablism/<br />

https://themighty.com/2020/01/avoid-ableism-disability-all<br />

y/<br />

https://medium.com/swlh/everyday-ableism-what-is-it-<strong>and</strong>how-to-stop-doing-it-13ba1e737288#:~:text=To%20stop%2<br />

0everyday%20ableism%2C%20to%20change%20the%20st<br />

ory,<strong>and</strong>%20treat%20them%20as%20you%20would%20any<br />

one%20else.<br />

https://everydayfeminism.com/2013/10/avoid-everyday-able<br />

ism/<br />


Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe<br />

Mis Hanes<br />

Anabledd<br />

Gair i<br />

Gall am<br />


Cofiwch<br />

Siarad â phobl anabl - defnyddiwch yr un naws ac iaith ag y<br />

byddech chi ag unrhyw un arall, peidiwch â siarad â phobl<br />

anabl fel plant a chofiwch osgoi sylwadau fel, "Rwy'n<br />

dymuno i mi gael cadair olwyn", mae'n eithaf nawddoglyd.<br />

Drin pobl anabl fel aelodau gwerthfawr o'r gymdeithas -<br />

Gall pobl anabl weithio a bod yn aelodau gweithgar mewn<br />

cymunedau a chymdeithas yn gyffredinol, mae pobl anabl<br />

eisiau cael cyfle i gyfrannu fel unrhyw un arall.<br />

Fod yn ystyriol wrth drefnu pethau - Ceisiwch gynnwys eich<br />

ffrindiau anabl ac aelodau anabl o'ch teulu mewn<br />

gweithgareddau a lle bo hynny'n bosibl, ceisiwch sicrhau ei<br />

fod yn rhywle sy'n hygyrch neu'n weithgaredd y gallant<br />

gymryd rhan ynddo, helpu i sicrhau nad ydyn nhw'n ynysig<br />

oherwydd eu hanabledd.<br />

Gynnig cymorth - Gallwch chi gynnig eu helpu ond gwyliwch<br />

eich tôn, cofiwch osgoi eu gwthio neu ymatal ac os ydyn<br />

nhw'n gwrthod y cynnig, gwr<strong>and</strong>ewch a derbyn eu bod wedi<br />

dweud "na".<br />

Wr<strong>and</strong>o'n weithredol - Gwr<strong>and</strong>ewch yn wirioneddol pan<br />

fydd pobl anabl yn siarad â chi, mae hyn yn cynnwys<br />

gwr<strong>and</strong>o os ydyn nhw eisiau siarad am eu hanabledd, bydd<br />

hyn yn dangos iddyn nhw eich bod chi'n eu gwerthfawrogi a<br />

bydd yn helpu i sicrhau nad ydyn nhw'n teimlo'n ddisail.

Peidiwch â<br />

Defnyddio cyfleusterau sydd ar gyfer pobl anabl- Gall pobl<br />

abl ddefnyddio unrhyw gyfleuster ond nid oes gan bobl<br />

anabl yr opsiwn hwnnw ac maent yn dibynnu ar<br />

gyfleusterau fel toiledau hygyrch a lleoedd parcio.<br />

Galw pobl anabl yn ysbrydoledig - Mae dweud bod pobl<br />

anabl yn ysbrydoledig am wneud pethau arferol yn<br />

nawddogol ac yn awgrymu nad oes disgwyl g<strong>and</strong>dynt.<br />

Eu beio - Nid oedd eu ffordd o fyw wedi achosi'r anabledd<br />

ac ni fyddant yn gwaethygu eu hanabledd ac nid ydynt yn<br />

gwneud unrhyw beth o'i le.<br />

Chymharu anableddau - mae gwahanol bobl yn cael<br />

gwahanol brofiadau ac yn y pen draw, nid yw'n<br />

gystadleuaeth.<br />

Peidiwch â beirniadu pobl anabl am gael diwrnod da - Nid<br />

yw gwenu, chwerthin, cerdded ac ati, yn golygu bod eu<br />

hanableddau wedi diflannu neu "ddim mor ddrwg â hynny",<br />

gadewch iddyn nhw fwynhau eu dyddiau da heb wneud<br />

iddyn nhw deimlo'n euog am eu cael nhw.

Diffiniadau<br />

Ablaeth<br />

Mae ablaeth yn gwahaniaethu o blaid pobl nad sy'n<br />

anabl. Mae ablaeth yn tybio bod pobl abl yn well nag<br />

unrhyw un sy'n byw gydag anabledd. Mae'r Sefydliad<br />

Stop <strong>Ableism</strong> yn disgrifio ablaeth fel:<br />

"Yr arferion a'r agweddau dominyddol mewn<br />

cymdeithas sy'n dibrisio ac yn cyfyngu potensial pobl<br />

ag anableddau."<br />

Anablaeth<br />

Anablaeth yw gwahaniaethu neu ragfarn yn erbyn<br />

pobl anabl.<br />

Micro-iselder<br />

• Mae micro-iselder yn ymddygiad cynnil – ar lafar neu fel<br />

arall, yn ymwybodol neu'n anymwybodol - wedi'i gyfeirio<br />

at aelod o grŵp ymylol sy'n cael effaith ddirmygus, niweidiol.<br />

• Mae micro-iselder yn weithred neu ymddygiad bob<br />

dydd sy'n cael effeithiau niweidiol ar grwpiau ymylol.<br />

• Yn wahanol i fathau eraill o wahaniaethu, efallai na fod<br />

cyflawnwr micro-iselder yn ymwybodol o effeithiau niweidiol<br />

eu hymddygiad.

Anablau Anweladwy<br />

Diffiniad<br />

Mae Anabledd Anweledig, neu anabledd cudd, yn derm sy'n<br />

dal sbectrwm cyfan o anableddau neu heriau cudd sydd yn<br />

bennaf yn niwrolegol eu natur.<br />

Mae Anableddau Anweledig yn fathau o anableddau nad ydyn<br />

nhw'n amlwg i eraill ar unwaith.<br />

Mathau o Anableddau Anweledig<br />

ADHD<br />

Anosmia<br />

Anhwylderau pryder<br />

Alergeddau<br />

Arachnoiditis<br />

Syndrom Asperger<br />

Asthma<br />

Awtistiaeth<br />

Anhwylder deubegwn<br />

Anafiadau i'r ymennydd<br />

Syndrom blinder cronig<br />

Poen cronig<br />

Anhwylderau cysgu rhythm circadia<br />

Clefyd Coeliag<br />

Clefyd Crohn<br />

Iselder<br />

Clefyd Siwgr<br />


Epilepsi<br />

Ffibromyalgia<br />

Camamsugniad ffrwctos<br />

Anoddefedd Ffrwctos Etifeddol<br />

Hyperhidrosis<br />

Hypoglycemia<br />

Clefyd llidiol y coluddyn (IBD)<br />

Cystitis interstitaidd<br />

Syndrom Coluddyn Llidus (IBS)<br />

Anoddefedd lactos<br />

Lupus<br />

Clefyd Lyme<br />

Syndrom metabolaidd<br />

Meigryn<br />

Sglerosis Gwasgaredig<br />

Sensitifrwydd Cemegol Lluosog<br />

Myasthenia Gravis<br />

Narcolepsi<br />

Anhwylderau personoliaeth<br />

Imiwnoddiffygiant sylfaenol<br />

Anableddau seiciatryddol<br />

Nychdod Sympathetig Atblygol<br />

Anafiadau straen ailadroddus<br />

Arthritis gwynegol<br />

Syndrom Schnitzler<br />

Sgitsoffrenia<br />

Scleroderma<br />

Syndrom Sjögren<br />

Neuralgia trigeminaidd<br />

Anhwylderau'r Cefn<br />

Anhwylder cymal temporo'r m<strong>and</strong>ibl<br />

Myelitis Traws<br />

Llid Briwiol y Coluddyn

Darllen Pellach<br />

https://metro.co.uk/2020/02/11/what-does-being-ableist-m<br />

ean-12221655/<br />

https://www.scope.org.uk/about-us/disablism/<br />

https://themighty.com/2020/01/avoid-ableism-disability-all<br />

y/<br />

https://medium.com/swlh/everyday-ableism-what-is-it-<strong>and</strong>how-to-stop-doing-it-13ba1e737288#:~:text=To%20stop%2<br />

0everyday%20ableism%2C%20to%20change%20the%20st<br />

ory,<strong>and</strong>%20treat%20them%20as%20you%20would%20any<br />

one%20else.<br />

https://everydayfeminism.com/2013/10/avoid-everyday-able<br />

ism/<br />


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