NAOMI LOVES Newsletter: Christmas in a time of covid


WRITE ACHRISTMASLETTER“Letter-writing on the part ofa busy man or woman is thequintessence of generosity.”- Agnes RepplierOf course, we have Zoom. AndFaceTime. And Skype, and all theothers. And it is something, isn’tit, to be able to see the people welove, even if we are looking up theirnoses or inspecting the freckles atthe tops of their hairlines. In thistopsy-turvy year we have beenhaving, it sure has been somethingto be able to connect in this waywith the people we love.But I also know that most of usare well and truly sick of ourscreens. The bad connections withevery third word going missing,the genuine fatigue on eyes andbrains, the frustratingly intangiblenature of our contact (all I wantis a hug!), and the maddeninginadequacy of multiple tiny boxeson a screen trying to replace thejoy and laughter of friends andfamily gathering around the dinnertable for spaghetti-night.And I wonder if this Christmas,when many budgets are strappedand nerves are raw, this might bethe time to sit down and pour allyour love and stories and hopes forthe future into a letter, and post itto someone you care for?You’ll be giving that person the giftof your time, and thoughtfulness.You sit down at a table, yourfavourite writing-paper in frontof you, and look out the window,thinking about your loved-one.You pause, take a sip from the cupthat is steaming gently beside you,picture your friend in your mind’seye, and write. You tell them afunny story about something thathappened to you recently, you pourout your hopes, dreams and plansfor 2021, but most of all you tellthem what you love about them,and what having them in your lifemeans to you.When they receive your letter, itwill be something they can holdand keep. To read and re-read,carry around in their pockets, storeamong precious keepsakes.If they are lonely, and if the twoof you are being kept away fromeach other during these seeminglyendlesslockdowns and restrictions,it will be something of you thatthey can hold. Long after the bluelight of their computer screenhas turned off, they can touch thepaper of your letter, knowing thatyou, also, touched the paper ofthat letter. It connects the two ofyou almost as much as your wordson the page.That is the joy of a Christmasletter.Right: Christmasmail-art entirelyoptional, but thisfestive bear isyours to colour inon page 33WWW.NAOMILOVES.COM4

“When they receive your letter, itwill be something they can holdand keep. To read and re-read,carry around in their pockets,store among precious keepsakes.”5WWW.NAOMILOVES.COM

“When they receive your letter, it

will be something they can hold

and keep. To read and re-read,

carry around in their pockets,

store among precious keepsakes.”



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