NAOMI LOVES Newsletter: Christmas in a time of covid

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Hello dear friend! I think that, after the year we are having, we could all do with

a little bit of joy, lightness, and a sprinkling of celebration, don’t you think? With

that in mind, these pages are dedicated to creativity, nature, generosity, mindful

living... and Christmas!

I’ve steered away from religious reference because I want you to feel free to celebrate

with abundance and joy whatever you believe or don’t believe, and whether it’s

Christmas or another holiday that inspires you. Really, I just want to give all of us

something to look forward to and enjoy.

I hope you have a lovely time inside these pages. If you have any questions, or

you’d just like to reach out and chat, please feel free to email me at hello@naomiloves.com.

And if you’re not a subscriber but you’d like to receive my newsletters

in the future (they’re not usually this long!) you can subscribe via my website at


In love and light,

Naomi x


4 Write a Christmas letter

8 The gentle solace of a garden

10 A candle in the window

14 To market, to market

18 A year at the market

22 Christmas special

44 The thoughtful gift guide



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