NAOMI LOVES Newsletter: Christmas in a time of covid

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Right: This was just

around the corner from our

home in Dinan, France. I

took this photograph while

walking the children to

childcare one morning

looking for, the idea began to bloom in my mind to

create one myself. Even after we returned to Australia,

in a city with (relatively) fresh produce at grocery

stores and supermarkets, it was still important to me

to shop at the farmers markets (for all the reasons

listed on the previous pages), and I still needed help

navigating the seasonal nature of shopping in such an

exciting and spontaneous way.

At first I planned to write my field-guide as a book,

but it occurred to me that covering all the potential

produce at a farmers market would make for a very

BIG book, not something any of us could easily carry

with us to market each week. So instead, I decided to

create a series of pocket-sized booklets, colour-coded

according to season, so that I could simply pop the

in-season booklets into a produce bag and take them

with me on my way to the market, as a quick reference

guide to use while I shop.

And that (finally!) brings me to today’s announcement.

It occurred to me that if this was a resource I’d

find handy, maybe it would be something that you’d

find handy, too. Which is why I am over the moon to

announce a completely new and super exciting annual

subscription service: A Year at the Market.

Ready for the big reveal? Turn the page...



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