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Investment Alternatives for the Individual Investor 223 Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are, in theory, an attractive alternative for the individual investor, combining

professional management, low transaction costs, immediate liquidity, and reasonable diversification.

In practice, they mostly do a mediocre job of managing money. There are, however, a few

exceptions to this rule.

For one thing, investors should certainly prefer no-load over load funds; the latter charge a

sizable up-front fee, which is used to pay commissions to salespeople. Unlike closed-end funds,

which have a fixed number of shares that fluctuate in price according to supply and demand,

open-end funds issue new shares and redeem shares in response to investor interest. The share

price of open-end funds is always equal to net asset value, which is based on the current market

prices of the underlying holdings. Because of the redemption feature that ensures both liquidity

and the ability to realize current net asset value, open-end funds are generally more attractive for

investors than closed-end funds. 1

Unfortunately for their shareholders, because open-end mutual funds attract and lose

assets in accordance with recent results, many fund managers are participants in the short-term

relative-performance derby. Like other institutional investors, mutual fund organizations profit

from management fees charged as a percentage of the assets under management; their fees are not

based directly on results. Consequently, the fear of asset outflows resulting from poor relative

performance generates considerable pressure to go along with the investment crowd.

Another problem is that open-end mutual funds have in recent years attracted (and even

encouraged) "hot" money from speculators looking to earn quick profits without the risk or bother

of direct stock ownership. Many highly specialized mutual funds (e.g., biotechnology,

environmental, Third World)

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