Magzoid - International Art Magazine | Edition - Nov,2020

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.


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Art During Covid

The legendary composer Duke

Ellington was famously quoted

saying, “A problem is a

chance for you to do your best.” Over

the course of these stagnant times

when productivity seems to be on

an all-time low and the urge to make

use of your talent and free time

is strong, small businesses seem

like an ideal thing. For beginner artists

this is a perfect opportunity to

gain more exposure and recognition.

It’s a way to develop your entrepreneurial

side, grow your art and

provide your graceful breathtaking

services at a small price. Especially

for artists or freelancers looking

out for work and experience, this

is a perfect time to expand your

business right from the comfort

of your homes. We have some tips

curated for you that could be a useful

boost to the start of a career.

2Passing on your knowledge

and lessons to others is

the greatest gift that we

ever in a growing creative market.

can give as a generation. It

also adds into the purpose of life

5Do you have a good eye for

of sharing and widening the skills

beauty in arts? Art dealers

and expertise of those around you.

find beautiful pieces of art in

Online classes and workshops are

order to sell them to various

a great way to do this. Whether

art enthusiasts. With dedication,

for kids or older age groups, it’s an

this business could grow allowing

amazing way for customers to learn

you to open your own art gallery,

new things over this period and it

while helping other artists get their

practices social distancing protocols


works noticed. Art dealers are as

much artists themselves.

3Handicrafts have been an

all-time favorite for artists,

whether its furniture, ornaments,

jewelry, household

items, fashion products, accessories

etc. They add an organic

touch and value as compared to

industrial or machinery produced

goods. People love having these

1What could be better than small souvenirs and gifting these

serving and having your own priceless beauties. During this time

contribution to this pandemic?

Many of us can’t be on it’s a perfect opportunity to work

where we’re stranded in our homes,

the frontlines protecting lives or

in positions that actively contribute

to regulating and saving lives,

on handicraft items and sell them

through online blog sites or other

social media platforms.

but all of us can play our own small

parts too. As artists, making equip-4It’ment and essentials with an artis-

there in business. Many com-

a competitive world out

tic twist needed during this crisis

panies, startups, and brands

can be a great contribution. Many

are now seeking help from

creators are coming up with making

affordable, breathable and stylish

face masks that fulfill the purpose

and add an element of beauty to it,

sort of lifting people’s spirits up too,

while they wear them.

‘creativity consultants’ for their skills

to find solutions and produce innovation.

As a creative consultant, your

job is to develop concepts, discover

ideas, and help business grow. Such

expertise is now needed more than

We hope that these gems of advice

have been of help and are looking

forward to seeing you come out

flourishing from this pandemic with

new ideas and progress in the artistic

as well as career-oriented facets

of your life.

www.magzoid.com | Page 64

Up next award winners for classes 3 and 4

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