Magzoid - International Art Magazine | Edition - Nov,2020

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.


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many more. He has also been featured

in the Guinness Book of World

Records for ephemeral anamorphic

street painting on the pavement, 6

x 140 meters. He has obtained several

awards from urban art projects

on both ephemeral and permanent

murals in two-dimensional mode and

anamorphic mode (3D) in countries

such as Dubai, United States, United

Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Holland,

Belgium, Thailand, among others.

The career of Juandres kickstarted

after winning first prize in two consecutive

contests while studying

for his Bachelor of Visual Arts, Vera

participated in a Street Art contest.

Our next guest Mr. John Hui from

London has been sought after by

many among the participants here

today as one of their favourite artists.

His artworks defamiliarize the

subject depicted through abstraction

and surrealism in an effort to

convey an uncanny sense of beauty

that challenges social archetypes.

His latest project includes blog publications

that are centred around

sharing stories, thoughts and art

that are related to our most innate

human connections such as love,

pain and compassion to empower

others. His artworks have an uncommon

sense of innate portrait of

thoughts depicted visually.

We also took a dive into asking the

panellists about their respective

fields, which indeed became an

inspiration for many among the participants

of the event.

Upcoming Guest of Honour Articles

Eric shared his experience through

the journey of his career, he said he

has always been very passionate

about sports and also the business

side of the industry which actually

led him to create the empire

he owns today. Eric’s answer for

potential plans of revival was very

inspiring and motivating, the piece

of advice was simple but something

very essential, he stated that

this newfound free time should not

be taken for granted and everyone

should actually focus on improving

themselves and prepare for

the next best thing, as you never

know when that might come!

Mr.Suvigya has a niche style of art,

on being asked about his unique talent

and expertise he shared that he

was born into an artistic family and

the craft was passed down from

generation to generation and he felt

a calling to miniature paintings as it

was like an understated style.

John owns his style of art, it is a variation

from the others in the crowd,

its a blend of different forms that

intrigued the audience and all of us

as well.

He elaborated and said that it was

a mix of surrealism and abstraction

and he also shared that he always

wanted to make his artwork look

realistic but was also never into

the idea of traditional paintings and

enjoyed creating his own art style.

The exceptional participation from

the audience about their individual

art styles was such a breath of fresh

air filled with the vibrancy of creativity

and passion, each member from

the audience had something uplifting

to say. The audience also had

some reflective questions to ask

the panellists.

The panel discussion went on with

a wave of experiences, laughs,

thoughts, journeys, perceptions, art

and more, it was a time at its best on

a Monday evening.

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Eric Dailey

See on pg. 38

Suvigya Sharma

See on pg. 43

Juandres Vera

See on pg. 46

John Hui

See on pg.53

www.magzoid.com | Page 33

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