Magzoid - International Art Magazine | Edition - Nov,2020

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.


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Jury Talk

Rich Mccor

“...a journey of self-expression...”



Human beings live to express, this

stirred art forms like; painting, acting,

dancing, singing, writing, sculpting,

photography, and more. Expression

of one's feelings like love,

frustration, sadness, loneliness,

happiness, fear, or passion curates

the kinda art that one stops by to

experience. Traveling through the

world an artist designs, through his

work is bliss on itself and when it's a

blend of two forms it’s magical.

Rich Mccor, popularly known as

@paperboyo, brings together the

art of photography with paper cutout

silhouettes. As mesmerizing

as the idea sounds are his final

products too. His vision is unparalleled

and he has the ability to find

any place encompassing him to be

his backdrop for the paper cutouts.

He believes in staying imaginative

and bringing creativity to art in your

own conception of style and art. He

quotes "I like to describe myself

as a photographer, but the reality

is I started doing my style of art

because I wasn’t a good photographer

so maybe I lean more towards

being an artist", in an interview with

Travel and Destinations.

The demeanor of the artist reflects

how humble he is as a person

which enables him to connect

with everything and everyone

around him. His personality is

soo pleasant and his style of

work is owned by him as he

calls it "Photography with an artistic

twist". The independence in his

craft makes him stand out from the

crowd. Hence we learn taking creative

liberty always puts you a stair


Rich Mccor celebrates creativity

among the youth and the upcoming

generation. He believes, creativity is

what keeps one going as any career

you pick requires the right amount of

your shades of uniqueness and creative

glow to it. Believing in what art

you curate as a child will teach you

important lessons such as self-belief

and confidence which will further

help you in embodying your

thoughts and ideas unmoved

from reality. He encourages students

to make art and motivates

them to believe in their ideas.

Make your passion your career and

you'll find yourself in love with your

work, more than worrying about

how to make money out of it, think

about how it's going to make you

happy and fulfilled with what you do.

That was a wise message from Rich

that we can take back home.

www.magzoid.com | Page 17

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