Magzoid - International Art Magazine | Edition - Nov,2020

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.

Magzoid is the an International Art Magazine featuring the works of Artists, Students and Art Galleries Internationally.


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Virtual Exhibition:

The Creative Buds

Our souls are like drops in the

ocean, waiting to be found

and having the sunlight glint off of

them. They’re the Pandora boxes to

our personalities and the culmination

of our heart, body and minds.

These precious elements give birth

to some of the most beautiful qualities

that make a person a human.

Talent, imagination, creativity, compassion,

empathy and love. Souls

are the embodiment of art, of pure

human elegance and rawness. From

the time of birth, a child is exposed

to all forms of art and hues around

it. Art is what helps it pave its way

into the world and make sense of

the haunting yet magnificent chaos.

Art is the building block for a child to

grow and blossom into an independent

and assured adult. It’s a tool for

them to find themselves and make

sense of their surroundings in the

most astounding manner. It’s what

encourages people to leave a mark

on this world.

Our International exhibition ‘The

Creative Buds’, was a long awaited

ride, that gave a refreshing boost

to all those who participated and

were a part of this experience. The

award ceremony was an exciting

event that kept all the participants

as well as their parents on the edges

of their seats. This would have

not been possible without our honorable

jury members, Kritika Rawat,

Rich Mccor, Maria Mishkareva, Dhaval

Khatri and our sponsors, Equifax

Tourism and Travel LLC and BrainO-

Brain. Obviously it would have been

an incomplete evening without our

talented students and their ever

supporting parents.

As students and jury members

started entering the call a thrilling

buzz had settled in the air. Webcams

were popping on with their shy yet

energetic faces showing up on the

screen. The feeling of restlessness

to begin the show was apparent in

everyone’s voices. The event started

off with a bang with our energetic

host who embraced everyone with

a warm, accepting and lively sentiment.

The first category was filled with

paintings from our younger artists,

ages up to seven, that left us

in immense awe. The theme of this

category was ‘Planet Earth’, a very

important subject during these frail

times that our planet is facing. To

see such young kids exhibit such

talent was truly inspiring. Their

scenes of sunsets and night skies

left us feeling exhilarated. The first

prize in this category was awarded

to Insiyah Mansoor of Gulf Indian

High School. The second prize was

awarded to Amrita Syam of Gulf Indian

High School and the third prize

was a tie between Burhanuddin Maimoon

of MSB Private School and Lun

Hoi Ching Alyssa of Hong Kong Ling

Liang Church Tsuen Wan Kindergarten.

This category was followed by a

token of wisdom from our jury member

Kritika Rawat who is the biggest

and most awarded Asian celebrity

in the Middle East, Co-founder of K

Kompany and also called the unofficial

Ambassador of the Asian Community

in Dubai, a voice that numerous

south Asians relate to. She has

been doing radio for the last 15

years and single-handedly has built

an empire of her own.

Throughout the event along with the

award distribution there was simultaneous

polling and activities taking

place on our socials that made it an

even more interactive and thrilling

session. Our second category featured

students from the ages eight

to thirteen with the designated

theme as ‘The Beautiful Nature’. The

students made sure to do justice

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