Amboy Guardian 11_18_20

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18. The Amboy Guardian *November 18, 2020

Novena to St. RitaO holy protectress of those whoart in greatest need, thou whoshineth as a star of hope in themidst of darkness, blessed SaintRita, bright mirror of God'sgrace, in patience and fortitudethou art a model of all the statesin life. I unite my will with thewill of God through the meritsof my Savior Jesus Christ, andin particular through his patientwearing of the crown of thorns,which with tender devotionthou didst daily contemplate.Through the merits of the holyVirgin Mary and thine owngraces and virtues, I ask thee toobtain my earnest petition, providedit be for the greater gloryof God and my own sanctification.Guide and purify my intention,O holy protectress andadvocate, so that I may obtainthe pardon of all my sins andthe grace to persevere daily, asthou didst in walking with courage,generosity, and fidelitydown the path of life. (Mentionyour request.)Saint Rita, advocate of the impossible,pray for us.Saint Rita, advocate of the helpless,pray for us.Recite the Our Father, HailMary, and Glory Be three timeseach. K.M. & C.M.AnswersFrom PuzzleOn Page 17Miraculous Invocationto St. ThereseO Glorious St. Therese, whomAlmighty God has raised up toaid and inspire the human family.I implore your MiraculousIntercession. You are so powerfulin obtaining every need ofbody and spirit from the Heartof God. Holy Mother Churchproclaims you “Prodigy of Miracles. . . the Greatest Saint ofModern Times.” Now I ferventlybeseech you to answer mypetition (mention here) to carryout your promises of spendingHeaven doing good upon earth .. . of letting fall from Heaven aShower of Roses. Little Flower,give me your childlike faith,to see the Face of God in thepeople and experiences of mylife, and to love God with fullconfidence. Saint Therese, myCarmelite Sister, I will fulfillyour plea “to be made knowneverywhere” and I will continueto lead others to Jesus throughyou. Amen.“I will let fall from Heaven. . . a Shower of Roses” – St.ThereseSay this prayer for nine consecutivedays. After the ninthday your prayer request willbe granted. This prayer mustbe published after the favor isgranted. K.M. & C.M.Remember toSay Your Novenas!Petition toSt. JudeO Holy St. Jude, Apostle andMartyr, great in virtue and richin miracles near the kingdom ofJesus Christ, faithful intercessorof al who invoke your specialpatronage in time of need,to you I have recourse from thedepth of my heart and humblybeg to whom God has Givensuch great power to come tomy assistance. Help me in mypresent and urgent petition, inreturn I promise to make yourname known cause you to beinvoked.(Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 HailMary’s, & Glory Be’s. Publicationmust be promised. Thisnovena must be said for 9 consecutivedays. Never known tofail.)Thank you, St. Jude A.L.S.Clothing BinNow OpenSAYREVILLE - The ClothingRecycling Bin located at FirstPresbyterian Church of Sayreville,172 Main Street, acrossfrom Borough Hall has beenreopened for donations. WithART, the recycling company,one may donate in 3 ways:1.) Usable clothing is donateddirectly to the needy.2.) High-quality clothing isgiven to organizations that sellto those who cannot afford newclothing.3.) Unusable clothing is washedand sold for industrial use andleftovers are used in the auto industryas seat stuffing for largetrucks. They also help charities,schools, police departments,fire departments and non-profitorganizations.If you have clothes, shoes orother fabrics please considerusing our recycling bin. ThankYou.November 18, 2020 * The Amboy Guardian .19Pets of the WeekPERTH AMBOY - All for the Paws's kittens and cats were rescuedfrom the streets of Perth Amboy or surrendered. We desperatelyneed Fosters or adopters. Each cat lives in a loving foster home.They're for someone to give them a chance. They are fixed, vaccinated,tested negative for FIV and Leukemia, have been dewormed,and are fully vetted and healthy. Adoption application and a donationfee apply to cover some of the vet expenses. ADOPT. SPAY.NEUTER. LOVE. allforthepaws@gmail.comDonations are welcomed and we always needcat food for our Fosters and our outdoor TNR colonies. ContactVirginia at 732.486.6382 to foster or adopt a fur baby.Have a Special Pet?E-mail us your Pet Photos to with Pet of the Week in the Subjectline and explain why your pet is special. Pleaseinclude Name and Phone# for verification.LOOKING BACKPERTH AMBOY – Enlisted men enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner - November 1918.*Photo Courtesy of the Perth Amboy Free Public LibraryThis photo was restored under a grant from the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commissionto the Kearny Cottage Historical Association.Stories From Perth AmboyPERTH AMBOY - Stories From Perth Amboy by KatherineMassopust is available from Katherine at 732-261-2610 oron A Great Gift! Get it now along with Then& Now: Perth Amboy!

18. The Amboy Guardian *November 18, 2020

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