Amboy Guardian 11_18_20

The bi-monthly newspaper of Perth Amboy NJ

The bi-monthly newspaper of Perth Amboy NJ


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12. The Amboy Guardian *November 18, 2020

World War II - 75 Years Ago

By Phil Kohn. Dedicated to the memory of his father, GM3 Walter Kohn, U.S. Navy Armed Guard,

USNR, and all men and women who have answered the country’s call in time of need. Phil can be

contacted at ww2remembered@yahoo.com.

In a controversial move, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps on November 16, 1945, under

the aegis of the top-secret “Operation Paperclip,” brings 88 captured German scientists to the U.S.

Whitewashing their pasts — many of them were members, and even leaders, of the Nazi Party — the

U.S. government wants to avoid their falling into the hands of the Soviets so they can help with the

American rocket program. Among them is Wernher von Braun, the developer of the V-2 program,

who is alleged to have hand-picked slave laborers from the Buchenwald concentration camp to construct

the missiles. More prisoners died building the V-2s than the number of bombing victims that

were killed by the weapons.

On November 17, Josef Kramer, former SS commandant of the Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen

concentration camps, along with 10 others on his staffs, are found guilty in their war-crimes trial that

began on September 17 in Lüneberg, Germany. They are sentenced to death on the gallows.

In Iran, the Tudeh Party, a Communist-dominated organization, foments a rebellion in the province

of Azerbaijan on November 18. When the Iranian government attempts to intervene against the rebels,

Soviet military forces in the region support the uprising and Red Army troops refuse to evacuate

Iranian territory. General of the Army George C. Marshall leaves his position as Chief of Staff of the

U.S. Army.

In Washington, D.C., Congress on November 19 issues a statement calling on President Truman to

withdraw U.S. Marines from China. General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes the 16th

Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. He is succeeded as Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone

in Germany by Gen. George S. Patton. In Tokyo, Gen. of the Army Douglas MacArthur orders the

arrest of 11 Japanese wartime leaders.

The trial of 24 Nazis charged with war crimes (one in absentia: Martin Bormann) gets underway

at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Germany, on November 20. Elsewhere, the Allied Control

Council approves the transfer of 6.65 million Germans from Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary,

Poland and the German regions east of the Oder-Niesse Line, which had been transferred to Poland

at the Potsdam Conference pending a final peace settlement. Through the expulsion of the German

minorities, these East European countries hope to avoid future German claims to their territories.

The Battle of Surabaya, in East Java, ends in a British military victory, but the Indonesians win

strategically and politically. The fierce fighting galvanizes nationalist support among the population,

while the Dutch come to realize that the nationalists are not simply a “gang of hooligans,” but a real,

political force, and the British realize that their role might better be a more-neutral one.

All the top Nazis on trial at Nuremberg for war crimes on November 21 claim innocence. At General

Motors Corp., 320,000 members of the United Auto Workers Union walk off the job, striking for a

30% wage increase and a moratorium on product prices. (The strike will continue until March 1946.)

On November 22, Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., the Hollywood Canteen closes its doors for good.

The Los Angeles club, which opened on October 3, 1942, offered free food, dancing and entertainment

to U.S. and Allied servicemen and servicewomen.

The rationing of meat and butter comes to an end in the U.S. on November 23, 1945, leaving sugar

as the only item still being limited. British police fire on anti-British rioters in Calcutta, India, killing


On November 24, U.S. Secretary of War Robert Patterson orders all five cyclotrons in Japan to be

destroyed. The machines — capable of contributing to nuclear weapons production, but also useful

for biological and medical research — are seized, dismantled and the parts dumped into Tokyo

Bay. In India, 26 people are injured in Bombay in continuing anti-British demonstrations. In China,

Nationalist troops capture Huludao, a port city in the northeast.

The U.S. Congress for a second time, on November 25, calls upon President Truman to withdraw

all U.S. Marines from China. In Tokyo, Gen. of the Army MacArthur orders the Japanese government

to devise a plan to tax away all wartime profits of Japanese companies and individuals. In

Palestine, Zionists blow up two British coast guard stations near Tel Aviv.

U.S. Ambassador to China Patrick J. Hurley resigns on November 26 after he is unable to broker

a peace deal between Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and his Communist counterpart, Mao Tsetung.

In Palestine, British troops sweep into the central Sharon plain, searching for the perpetrators

of the coast-guard-station bombings the night before. Meeting resistance, the British respond with

force, killing nine Jews and wounding 74.

On November 27, President Truman names U.S. General of the Army George C. Marshall as his

special envoy to China, replacing Ambassador Patrick Hurley. Marshall’s mission is to broker a

coalition government of the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists under Mao


British fascist John Amery on November 28 stuns the court at his treason trial by pleading guilty,

even though the only penalty allowable for a guilty verdict is death. A vehement anti-communist,

Amery had proposed to the Wehrmacht the formation of a British volunteer unit and had broadcast

Nazi propaganda over the radio from Germany. Captured by Italian partisans in Italy on April 25,

1945, (he had traveled there to assist Mussolini), he was turned over to the British. At trial, the judge,

after confirming that Amery understands the consequence of his guilty plea, immediately sentences

him to death. The proceedings last eight minutes. Amery is hanged on December 19, 1945.

The Socialist Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia is declared on November 29, with Marshal

Josip Broz Tito named as its president. A return to the pre-war monarchy is rejected by the Yugoslav

Constituent Assembly, exiled King Peter II is deposed, and the formerly ruling Karađorđević family

is banned from returning to the country.

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J Baratta Industries Receives

2020 Hire Vets Medallion

Award from

U.S. Department of Labor

Press Release 11/10/20


Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia

recognized J Baratta Industries

as one of the 675 recipients

of the 2020 HIRE Vets Medallion

Award during an award ceremony

at the U.S. Department

of Labor. J Baratta Industries

earned the PLATINUM Award

after applying earlier this year.

The Honoring Investments

in Recruiting and Employing

American Military Veterans Act

(HIRE Vets Act) Medallion Program

is the only federal award

program that recognizes job

creators who successfully recruit,

hire, and retain veterans.

“J Baratta Industries was

submitted to the competition

because of the work we do for

veterans, including hiring veterans

from different branches,”

said Jeremy Baratta, Founder

and Managing Member. “As a

Veteran myself, I understand

the needs of the community

and worked to ensure we could

support members of the veteran

community by offering prioritized

hiring opportunities, opportunities

of involvement and

opportunities of growth. We

strive to ensure we do everything

in our power to help our

veterans, even more so as the

only veteran owned business in


J Baratta Industries joins 674

other companies from 49 states,

plus the District of Columbia,

who have shown a commitment

to hiring veterans, but also ensuring

that they have a longterm

career and growth plan

that uses the diverse skills they

acquired through their military


The HIRE Vets Medallion

Award is based on a number of

criteria, ranging from veteran

hiring and retention to providing

veteran‐specific resources,

leadership programming, dedicated

human resources, and

compensation and tuition assistance

programs ‐ with requirements

varying for large, medium,

and small employers.

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