History of Loriga - History of Loriga by the historian António Conde on Wikipedia

History of Loriga - Wikipedia article created by the historian António Conde. The efficient, though discreet, research and dissemination work that the historian and our great loriguense António Conde has been doing for decades, has borne many fruits, and much of the information about Loriga released there is due to the initiative of this great Loriguense. This great Loriguense researches the history of Loriga for about 30 years, at the expense of much sacrifice and many personal expenses, creating a rich work, which can be read extracts on many sites, including articles on Loriga in English and Portuguese that he created on Wikipedia. António Conde acts, does, criticizes what is badly always presenting solutions, loves his land passionately and is allergic to hypocrisy and vanity fairs. This article was vandalized with the main objectives of introducing an illegal and non-representative “coat of arms” of Loriga, and erasing from the sources the author of this article because he opposes for this illegality to affect the image of this town and of the own Wikipedia. However the illegal heraldic aberration was finally removed from the article in 2017, failing to restore in the sources the links that point to the author of the same and correct the other errors introduced. This edition has already been reversed to hide the truth, which in fact has happened more than ten years. History of Loriga, excerpts from the work of the historian António Conde on Wikipedia . The vandals, the ones who deliberately and insistently put up mistakes and lies, were challenged to prove the origin of the historical data found in the Wikipedia article created by António Conde, and we can all sit around because only the one who did the research can say where got the data. It is hilarious that the vandals and who they support and promote, call into question historical data while claiming they have not been surveyed by António Conde. Decide once and for all; If the data is credible and the research is not from him who did it reveal the sources of the historical data, or if they are not credible delete them. Do not be jealous and mean, do not make sad figures, and stop harming the image of Loriga and the Loriguenses! More about Loriga: http://freguesiadeloriga.net, http://lorigaportugal.webnode.com , http://sites.google.com/view/loriga , http://loriga4.webnode.pt , http://loriga.wikidot.com , http://sites.google.com/view/lorigaportugal History of Loriga - Wikipedia article created by the historian António Conde. The efficient, though discreet, research and dissemination work that the historian and our great loriguense António Conde has been doing for decades, has borne many fruits, and much of the information about Loriga released there is due to the initiative of this great Loriguense. This great Loriguense researches the history of Loriga for about 30 years, at the expense of much sacrifice and many personal expenses, creating a rich work, which can be read extracts on many sites, including articles on Loriga in English and Portuguese that he created on Wikipedia. António Conde acts, does, criticizes what is badly always presenting solutions, loves his land passionately and is allergic to hypocrisy and vanity fairs. This article was vandalized with the main objectives of introducing an illegal and non-representative “coat of arms” of Loriga, and erasing from the sources the author of this article because he opposes for this illegality to affect the image of this town and of the own Wikipedia. However the illegal heraldic aberration was finally removed from the article in 2017, failing to restore in the sources the links that point to the author of the same and correct the other errors introduced. This edition has already been reversed to hide the truth, which in fact has happened more than ten years. History of Loriga, excerpts from the work of the historian António Conde on Wikipedia . The vandals, the ones who deliberately and insistently put up mistakes and lies, were challenged to prove the origin of the historical data found in the Wikipedia article created by António Conde, and we can all sit around because only the one who did the research can say where got the data. It is hilarious that the vandals and who they support and promote, call into question historical data while claiming they have not been surveyed by António Conde. Decide once and for all; If the data is credible and the research is not from him who did it reveal the sources of the historical data, or if they are not credible delete them. Do not be jealous and mean, do not make sad figures, and stop harming the image of Loriga and the Loriguenses! More about Loriga: http://freguesiadeloriga.net, http://lorigaportugal.webnode.com , http://sites.google.com/view/loriga , http://loriga4.webnode.pt , http://loriga.wikidot.com , http://sites.google.com/view/lorigaportugal


então a ser usada exclusivamente a derivação dolatim, ou seja Loriga. A Loriga é considerada umapeça heráldica “falante”, e fundamental no brasãodesta vila porque “fala” do nome antigo, único emPortugal, das antigas origens da povoação, dahistória antiga e da identidade de Loriga. A riquezahistórica de Loriga é tão grande e única em Portugalque existem dezenas de peças á escolha para colocarno brasão distintivo desta vila, porém nem cruzesnem carretos nem espigas estão incluídos, e acouraça, a estrela e a roda hidráulica são três peçasessenciais no brasão de Loriga. A origem do nomedesta vila explica o uso do gentílico Loricense paradesignar os seus naturais.

Nesta foto de Loriga pode ver-se uma das antigasfábricas de lanifícios fundadas no século XIX e na qualainda pode admirar-se a roda hidráulica, a origem detoda a força motriz. Esta, e apenas esta, é a roda quetem que estar no brasão de Loriga, e tem que ser estaporque esta simboliza as origens da indústria emLoriga no século XIX, assim como a história de umaatividade que fez esta vila destacar-se ainda mais naregião. Portanto qualquer outro tipo de roda, aindaque ligado á indústria, tornaria o brasão de Lorigamais pobre e incompleto. Todas as fábricas de entãotinham uma roda como esta e era a água das ribeiras

então a ser usada exclusivamente a derivação do

latim, ou seja Loriga. A Loriga é considerada uma

peça heráldica “falante”, e fundamental no brasão

desta vila porque “fala” do nome antigo, único em

Portugal, das antigas origens da povoação, da

história antiga e da identidade de Loriga. A riqueza

histórica de Loriga é tão grande e única em Portugal

que existem dezenas de peças á escolha para colocar

no brasão distintivo desta vila, porém nem cruzes

nem carretos nem espigas estão incluídos, e a

couraça, a estrela e a roda hidráulica são três peças

essenciais no brasão de Loriga. A origem do nome

desta vila explica o uso do gentílico Loricense para

designar os seus naturais.

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