Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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I shudder ed.

?I don?t think I?d like that,? I said.

He seemed sur pr ised.

?Really? Well, you don?t go str aight away,? he explained. ?It?s like a deal you

make for later. When the sun r ises, you go home and live your life as nor mal. You

just don?t have to w or r y about hell any mor e. When you die, you join ?em on the

moor instead of taking your chances w ith - you know - up or down.?

?When does it happen??

?Which bit??

I tr ied to r emember the r ules.

"A new moon on the shor test night, I r ecalled."

He shr ugged and smoked his cigar ette.

?God know s,? he said at last. ?It happened in 1957, I know that much. Come

on, Din-Dins!?

He gave the lead a little tug and w e continued dow n Moor Lane.


Gr andpa was a big man. I?ve been told he was six-foot-four , but to me, he was

like the Colossus of Rhodes. He wasn?t made of br onze, like the or iginal, but

heaps of har d muscle, w r apped in layer s of thick w inter fabr ic.

He was always kind to me, but I found out later that he?d mellow ed in his old

age. Eventually, Dad told me a few things about his ow n childhood, and some

of them w er e har d to hear. Back in the fifties, Gr andpa dr ank spir its in the day

and beat him often. He even beat his w ife w hen she tr ied to inter vene.


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