Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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?Will not? You for get that this is all mine. This land, these br icks, this stone, the

mar ble, tables and car ds. All mine. This is my casino, Cyanquille. You ar e my

w or kfor ce. I w ill not be told counter to this by any man alive. Nor w ill I be told so

by the dead. Our pact stands, but our pr oject is done. You may stay, you may also

join me in other pr ojects. But I w ill not be told w hat I may do. This pr oject is done,

sir , and for my par t, I have kept our pact.?

The spectr e r ose befor e him, and adjusted the sleeves of his jacket, ensur ing his

laced cuffs w er e exposed to the length he desir ed and no mor e. When he spoke

again, his countenance was mor e sombr e and his voice gr aver than Denholm had

know n of the dead.

?Dust and dir t, Mr Denholm. You ow n paper s...and dust...and dir t. You do not

know w hat this casino is. Nor do you ow n it in any tr ue sense. You ow n fleeting

daubs of ink on par chment. Our pact does indeed stand. For a businessman, you

lacked the ser vices in its dr afting fr om a good law yer , like the r ather r esour ceful

Mr Le?Ap. The pact, Denholm, betw een you and I, r efer r ed to our pr oject. Your

misunder standing, how ever , is that our pr oject was not betw een you and I. Nor is it

in any way completed. Our pr oject, Denholm, is a pr oject of the dead. It is a pr oject

of those w ho r etur ned. To it, you ar e as inconsequential as any of the chips on a

gaming table. As inconsequential, per haps, as a fly.?

Denholm shifted uneasily. He had often fear ed implications fr om the act of

assur ance he had betokened the dead. Somew her e in him a fly, at the contr ol of

Cyanquille, waited to r espond w hen instr ucted.

?A fly I can have r emoved,? he said. ?A str oke I can be nur sed back fr om in the

tow n. Le?Ap can ar r ange these things for me. So yes, I believe our pr oject is

achieved and that I w ill move w her e I w ish.?

?Oh, my dear Mr Denholm. Somew her e I think w e both knew it w ould come to


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