Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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said, I am a man of business. So, although this w ould be an unusual ventur e, to say

the least, it w ould not be the fir st str ange alliance or cur ious deal that I have done. I

w ould have this building r e-opened, Cyanquille. You may r est as best you might

upon that intention.?

?I bet you w ould Mr Denholm. I ver y much bet you w ould. Please... Allow me to

clear up a few matter s for you, w hich may be bother some. I have not...We have not

scar ed away your staff. They have left as a r esult of their ow n gr eed and fear. We

have r etur ned, in fact, simply because they left. We ar e ver y committed to your

plans, Mr Denholm. In fact, in the absence of a w or kfor ce, w e ar e her e to be that

w or kfor ce for you. We w ill mix cement. We w ill plaster and car pet, polish shine

and sw eep for you. We w ill do ever ything that needs be done to pr epar e Le Casino

to be opened. Among our number , w e hold gr eat exper ience and no little amount of

valuable skills in such matter s. Then on completion Mr Denholm, w e w ould ask our

wage. It w ill be simply to be allow ed to r emain and to assist you her e. We w ould

like that gr eatly and w e ar e pr epar ed to w or k, as you alr eady have. We w ould ver y

much like to be her e on a...more permanent basis,? the ghost concluded.

?You w ill mix cement for me? And assist me her e? For give me Cyanquille? You

ar e indeed the dead. Can you do such things? Why on ear th...Why in any r ealm in

fact, would you do such things? And w hy Cyanquille? ? Why, if you can mix cement,

w ould you w ish to stay her e? Ar e ther e no families that any of you w ould r etur n to

and build palaces for ??

?The fir st of these points is easy, Denholm. We can do these things. Ver y much

so. We can w or k longer and har der , for none of w hat you w ould call pay. We ar e

committed and do not tir e. We ar e an exemplar y w or kfor ce. It is tr ue that it is a

r ar e occur r ence that w e might be muster ed and motivated for such a pact.

How ever , for this casino Mr Denholm, not in fact for you, w e can do this. We ar e


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