Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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pr oceed w ith this ventur e. If ther e is mor e to know , I w ould r ather know now than

to find w e have both been ill-pr epar ed.?

The law yer ponder ed for a few moments, and as if decided in his ow n hear t, he

sighed mildly and looked Denholm squar ely in the eye.

?Per haps not a plague, Mr Denholm, cer tainly not a cur se. An infection. One not

seen for many year s now. The ?Infection Muer tas?caused death to any w ho caught

it. Ther e was no know n cur e. It was caught only by people w ho had been to the

mountain top, and all that is ther e is the casino. It star ted after the war. Per haps

poor hygiene. Too many dead and dying, uncar ed for , up ther e w er e the cause. It

acted sw iftly and was ter r ible to behold. Within a day of r etur ning fr om the casino,

the infected per son w ould simply r ot away. Quite r apidly. Within a matter of hour s.

Open sor es w ould appear and w iden, skin w ould waste and melt fr om bone until

ther e was little to contain the or gans and finally until ther e was nothing left to

cover the bones. It was a ter r ible sight to see. The Infection Muer tas was ver y easy

for people to see as a cur se. City doctor s advised good cleanliness and the bur ning

of the dead. No-one was infected fr om contact and no-one contr acted it w ho did not

go to the mountain. What is cer tain how ever is that many have been ther e since;

myself included, Mr Denholm, and have come back w ithout har m. The illness has

gone. The bandits have gone. It is only oppor tunity that r emains, for the man bold

enough to climb ther e and gr asp it fir st.?

Ther e was no mor e talk of ghosts, bandits or bodies that r otted and died.

Denholm finished his cigar. The law yer talked mor e of contr actor s, schedules, legal

r equir ements and the inevitable costs. The investor mentally tr immed and

r edefined the same costs and deals, r esolving in his ow n mind to pr oceed. The

Black Casino was to be r ebuilt and r e-opened. It was cer tainly a gamble. Denholm

was pr epar ed to bet high.


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