Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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seated themselves. They sat separ ated by a vintage table, batter ed and clutter ed

w ith sheaves of tor n deeds and paper s. Some w er e tied in pink r ibbons, some

mer ely stained w ith tea.

?Not at all Mr Le?Ap.? Denholm r eplied.? I am lucky too. I believe this is an

investment w e can both pr ofit fr om. Le Casino en Nuages w ill r e-open. It w ill be the

star t of something far , far bigger for both of us.?

?No Mr Denholm. You misunder stand. I am Lucky. Le?Ap...My name, it means

for tune and luck in my language. I am know n as Lucky. It seems ... cor r ect... that a

casino should br ing you Luck. A Lucky deal for us both you might say! People call

me Lucky. I hope w e w ill have much business in the futur e together.?

?I hope so too Mr Le?Ap. I mean Lucky. Ther e ar e a few things I need to discuss

befor e w e move for war d though. I am told ther e may be ?cer tain things?I should

know about the casino befor e I buy??

Lucky allow ed a gener ous smile to spr ead slow ly acr oss his face. It was a smile

w hich may have been mor e r e-assur ing had his eyes not become mor e fixed, as if

small glass shutter s had closed behind the lids.

?If you w ill per mit, Mr Denholm, per haps you need a Le?Ap of faith?? He smiled

at his ow n small joke and continued.?I am a man of business. Not pr one to

super stitions. I have tr avelled w idely. I too am concer ned that you should know a

few facts about the casino. I say facts r ather than stor ies, as you w ill hear many

stor ies of ?The Black Casino?. To my mind, for your pur poses, many of the stor ies

w ill do nothing but good for your , or should I say, our, shar ed ventur e.?

Denholm shifted in his uncomfor table w ooden chair , r e-cr ossing his legs. He

leaned for war d towar d the law yer , tr ying to pr omote intimacy and honesty

betw een them, that might benefit the deal.


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