Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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youth, in an age w hen class and pow er w er e seen as natur al pr ivileges,

pr e-or dained by accidents of for tune at bir th. They w er e for tunes that did not

always per sist at the tables. At the Black Casino, w hole dynasties had been know n

to r ise and on occasions, quite liter ally, to fall.

Ar ound tw o sides to the exter ior of the casino, w er e balconies that affor ded a

view w hich, (moonlight and clouds per mitting), allow ed a scenic and br eathtaking

view acr oss the fr onds of the for est canopy on the slopes and valleys below the

mountain. The balconies allow ed a degr ee of socialisation, w her e patr ons might

talk, str ike business deals and seduce one another among the heady scent of cigar s

and br andy. Expectation was always hidden among the br eathtaking view s, r ipe

and expectant in the moist war mth of the mountain air.

Some guests used the balconies for other pur poses, as an oppor tunity to take a

br eath of another sor t, to step back fr om adr enaline-r ushed decisions that might

benefit fr om mor e temper ate thought. A man may consider w hether to r etur n to

the tables and attempt to r egain a lost family for tune or to r isk losing mor e in a

pr obably futile attempt at r egaining one.

Some consider ed quietly the imminence of a fr esh life to come, w ith new w on

for tunes, estates and titles. Mor e than a few consider ed the pr ospect of shame and

penur y and could envisage declaiming the new s to distr aught w ives or enr aged

father s. For some of these, the walk to the balcony became the last that they w er e to

take, as the fall of their for tunes became r eflected in a long, silent fall to the for est


The balcony to the r ight became the favour ed spot for such suicides. It had a

shar per , mor e for bidding descent mor e suited to the pur pose. It did not take long

for it to become know n as ?the loser s?balcony?or mor e r obustly as ?the suicide

balcony?. Its counter par t to the left, the ?w inner s?balcony?by tur n became know n

as ?the celebr ation balcony?.


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