Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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I sw or e to never tr eat cur iosity in the same way, ever again.

About the author

I grew up in Tower Hamlets, East London and have been interested in storytelling

for as far back as I can remember. I?ve done brief stints in amateur acting, having

once played Bill Sykes and taken some acting classes Central London.

The first time I was introduced to the three-act structure was in school. We?d write

short stories at least three times a week. Looking back, I?m extremely grateful to

have been allowed to do this. I was around nine years of age when I first tried to

get one of my short stories published. Ironically, it was a short ghost story. I took

it to the local newspaper and they wrote back graciously declining, but with a note

encouraging me to carry on ? my first piece of feedback.

Fast forward a few years and I?ve since written a few spec screenplays for TV and

film, as well as a few more short stories, and I?m currently working on a novella

and a novel. I?ll let you know when they are finished.


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