Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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consider ing w e ar e supposed to be your fr iends."

"It's ever since you star ted w or king in that old house. Ther e's something

differ ent about you." Sar ah added.

"But - " I said.

?Come on. Let?s go,? Mar y inter jected.

I sighed. It was too late. My fr iends w er e gone. Lectur e books in hand, and dow n

the cor r idor.

That evening, at sunset, I r an the length of Mile End Road, cr ying. I cr ied and r an

until my eyes dr ied out.

I eventually made it back to the house. The house w hich time had for gotten; the

old house w ith its shr ubs and over gr ow th pr otecting it fr om the moder n, outside

w or ld.

Wiping the r est of the tear s fr om my face, I slow ly looked up, to the w indow

w her e I sat each night. And then I saw it. A w oman sitting in my place. Her head

dow n w ith a flicker ing light beside her. I was fr eaked out. I took a step back w hen

suddenly she looked up, str aight at me. I thought I was seeing things ? so r ubbed

my eyes thor oughly ? but the same figur e sat ther e in the w indow , just star ing.

Pulling myself together , I gr abbed the key fr om my bag and hur r iedly enter ed the

house. I r an up the stair s as fast as I could to the thir d floor ; but once I had r eached

it, I slow ed, r ealising I didn't quite know w hat I might encounter upon enter ing the

r oom. Shiver s w ent dow n my spine, the hair s stood up on my neck as I r eached the

bedr oom door. I took a deep br eath befor e tw isting the door handle and opening.

Bit-by-bit, mor e of the r oom became visible. A sudden sur ge of confidence ar ose

and I thr ew open the door to r eveal ? nothing. No one was ther e. A dar k empty

r oom w ith no light. Just a bed, chair , suitcase and table by the w indow.


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