Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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His voice was dr ow ned out by a sudden shouting.

?Help. Please. Help us.?

She looked at him. He at her. A couple w er e pushing their way thr ough the cr ow d.

?Please. Help us. They?r e coming. They?r e coming this way. Please. Please. Let us

thr ough.?

The cir cle opened to let in the new comer s, r efor ming immediately behind them,

swallow ing their fr ight. Minutes passed in a cacophony of competing questions and

answ er s. They looked on, bar r ed fr om entr y. Suddenly, their faces caught in the

glow of the fir e. Her s, bleached, his fixed, both in ter r or.

She looked at him. He at her. Finger s r eaching for one another ?s, they edged away,

backing dow n the beach. The cold sea inched its way towar ds them, feeling for

their boots. Moments later , the stor yteller , eager for the limelight once mor e, loudly

r esumed his nar r ative.

?The lights of the tow n that glow ed in haughty defiance of the dar kness w er e

now behind them? ?

About the author

Presently studying for an M.A in Creative Writing at YSJ(and juggling English

teaching and Casual Academic work). I am just setting out on my authorial

journey, taking my three boys, my cat Sylvie and my love of M.R. James along for

the ride.


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