Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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The glass door opened.

The ghoul?s gr in tur ned to a snar l as it spr inted up the stair case to Lily, scr eaming.

Lily clamped her eyes shut and leapt into the old man?s ar ms as an ice-cold br eeze

blasted past her.

The scr eam dissipated into the stor e and suddenly the w hole place became silent

once again.

"Ah, hello, my dear , I see you?ve met my colleague."

Lily fr oze.

She inched one eye open and looked up in ter r or. The man that had caught her

was not the man that had w elcomed her into the stor e ear lier that day. He had deep

pools of black w her e his eyes should have been, and his pur ple suit jacket and

bur gundy tr ouser s w er e now a pale bone colour.

"Didn?t I ask you not to touch the book, Miss Lily?"

The old man?s office was cover ed floor to ceiling in shar ds of br oken glass. Each

one had a var iety of inscr iptions on them, and the spectr e Lily had just managed to

escape fr om was r eflected in ever y shar d on ever y wall. It was star ing thr ough Lily,

its gr in once again spr ead fr om ear to ear.

Lily shook in fear. She didn?t have the ener gy to r ip her self fr om Mister Gr egor y?s

bitter gr ip.

"I apologise for misleading you my dear , but you see my fr iend and I ar e simply

dying to get out of this damned bookstor e and, w ell, you seemed like the per fect

solution. A young w oman, busy investigating the puzzle of the Middleton glass. All I

had to do was tell you not to look at the book, and w hat did you do? Inquisitive


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