Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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As Lily watched the ivy w r ithe, she suddenly felt her self walking towar ds the

cabinet. Tr y as she might, she couldn?t fight it. Her feet had a mind of their ow n. As

she appr oached to the cabinet, her r eflection became clear and the ghostly figur e

once again appear ed.

Closer this time, Lily could see exactly just w hat hor r or it was. Ghastly feet fell out

the bottom of the r obe as the thing glided along the floor towar ds her. Its face was

contor ted in a w ide gr in and its eyes, or w her e its eyes should have been, sat a pair

of glassy pools of black liquid. It r eached out a contor ted finger and delicately

pointed dir ectly at Lily?s hear t.

Lily didn?t know w her e she found the str ength to r ip her feet fr om the floor and

r un, but r un she did. She bolted backwar ds thr ough the bookstor e, clatter ing into

shelves and hur ling her self acr oss piles of books. She looked back in ter r or and

caught a glimpse of the spectr e in the cabinet, its w ide gr in still stuck in place.

White as a sheet, Lily clamber ed up the stair s to the office. Her hear t sank.

The door. The glass door.

Petr ified, she stood star ing at her r eflection. The thing was on the bottom step. It

cocked its head, star ing at Lily, its gr in gr ow ing w ider.

The thing flexed its long finger s and gr asped the handr ail as it began to ascend.

The stor e was icy cold now and Lily shiver ed, too fr ightened to look away.

Each step felt like an eter nity as the ghoul floated up the stair case, the pools

w her e its eyes should have been star ing thr ough Lily?s soul.

It r aised a bony finger and pointed again.

It climbed. One step. Then another. Finger still pointed at Lily?s hear t.

Edging closer and closer.

Gr inning.


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