Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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books in the fr ont of the bookstor e in an attempt to take her mind off w hatever that

thing was.


For the next hour or so, the shop saw zer o customer s. Lily tr ied her har dest to

keep her self busy. She r ear r anged a ser ies of books thr ee or four times. She cleaned

and r e-cleaned behind the counter. Anything to take her mind off the pale, r obed

figur e in the glass.

But Lily kept finding her self star ing thr ough the black no entr y door at the book.

At one point, she found her self in the door way, leaning out a hand towar ds the

cabinet. Shaking, Lily pulled her ar m in and shut her eyes to avoid looking in the

glass r eflection, befor e scur r ying backwar ds into the shop.

In an attempt to collect her self, Lily decided to get some fr esh air and clear her


Though, w hen she tr ied to leave, she found the fr ont door w ouldn?t budge and

ended up almost shaking it off its hinges befor e catching her self.

After a moment of deep br eathing, Lily laughed at her par anoia. "Get it together ,

Lily. Ther e must just be a knack to opening it. I?ll ask the old man w hen he comes

back w ith the tea."

Lily looked back up the stair case at the glass door.

"That?s a point." Lily thought to her self. "It?ll be stone cold by now."

As Lily w onder ed w hy she hadn?t hear d fr om the old man, she once again noticed

that the shop had fallen deathly quiet. The ominous silence enveloped the place,

and the smell of the backr oom had now bled its way into the stor e. Lily couldn?t

help but glance once again thr ough the black door at the book in the glass cabinet.

It was almost as if the thing was pulsing and glow ing, and the golden ivy had now

bled acr oss most of the cover.


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