Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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Ab Antiquo

Ab Incunabulis

Accipe Hoc

Liber o Nobis

Ex Infer nis

As if possessed to, Lily mutter ed the w or ds to her self. She star ed at the page for a

few seconds, befor e shaking her self out of the tr ance. The hair s on her neck stood

on end. She felt as though ther e was someone behind her. Watching.

Lily dr ew a deep br eath, tr ying to r egain her composur e and dispel the eer ie

thoughts. She fought the ur ge to look behind her befor e shutting the book. As she

gently placed it back into the cabinet, the book?s colour deepened again. And she

was sur e the gold leafing had spr ead fur ther acr oss the cover , towar ds her hand.

Lily let go of the book, pulling her hand away. Feeling a little uneasy, she closed

the glass cabinet.

In the r eflection of the glass was the figur e. Again.

Only this time, Lily was cer tain it wasn?t a tr ick of the light.

The figur e moved closer to Lily. She tr ied to look back at the book, to ignor e the

figur e in the hopes that it w ould per haps just go away. But it was in vain.

Deathly pale in colour , the figur e was cover ed in a long, tatter ed r obe that fell to

the floor. The stor e had once again gone silent as the thing slow ly r eached out a

w hite hand and extended its gnar led finger s towar ds Lily?s shoulder -

Lily w hipped her head back ar ound, fr ozen to the spot. Nothing. The silence

smother ed the stor e like a blanket, as Lily shiver ed. It suddenly felt aw fully cold.

Lily slapped her self out of it and decided she w ould continue to or ganise the


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