Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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and the w or ktable lay not one piece of black plastic sheeting, but w hat appear ed to

be a lot of them r olled together in a sausage-shaped bundle. Then one end of the

bundle lur ched up off the floor and Jimmy exclaimed, ?Fuck?s sake!?

The gr oaning continued. Jimmy summoned his cour age, appr oached the bundle,

bent over the end that?d moved and r aised a flap of the outer most layer of plastic.

?Jesus!? he squaw ked. ?Lachie, come and see this!?

As Lachie passed the w oman, she stopped backing away and instead moved

sideways, towar ds a small Chr istmas tr ee that stood glimmer ing next to a wall. He

r eached Jimmy and discover ed that the bundle wasn?t a r olled-up mass of sheeting.

It was just one sheet, w r apped ar ound a non-plastic object. The object was a man,

his head, shoulder s and chest exposed by the r aised flap. His face was polka-dotted

w ith blood, his eyes gaw ked and his mouth was set in an agonised r ictus. In

addition to the gr oan emer ging fr om the mouth, blood bubbled out and r olled

dow n his jow ls.

Then his gr oan changed into w or ds: ?Shot me? bitch shot me? just cos? w e

ar gued and I got a bit? fisty w ith her ? ?

Lachie tur ned ar ound in time to see the w oman lift a double-bar r elled shotgun

that?d been pr opped against the wall behind the Chr istmas tr ee. She br oke the

shotgun open, r aised the stock to her shoulder , slotted tw o shells into the bar r el?s

br eech ends and snapped it together again. Then she put a hand to her face and

sw ept back the veil of hair that?d cover ed her r ight eye. The r evealed eye was black

and sw ollen. But that didn?t stop her fr om nar r ow ing it and squinting along the

bar r el as she took aim ?

Jimmy mar velled at the figur e under the sheeting. ?Fucking shite. She tr ied to do

the bugger in!?


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