Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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quiet sense of dr ead. Ther e was nothing r ational to dr ead, of cour se. Yet Lily

couldn?t help the feeling that she wasn?t alone.

It was not just the book that seemed alive, ther e was the pr esence of something

else. As Lily?s br eath har shened, the w ood once again ceased its cr eaking, Lily?s

br eathing now the only thing punctuating the stillness...

Until a shar p intake of br eath fr om Lily thr ew the place into complete silence.

Behind Lily?s shoulder ? she was cer tain it was ther e ? was a faint figur e. Lily?s

eyes focused back to the book in an instant, as she tr ied to watch the r eflection of

the figur e fr om the cor ner of her eye.

Lily r esumed br eathing as the figur e just stood in the r eflection, watching. Lily

closed her eyes, took in one last deep br eath and w hipped her self ar ound.


"Miss Lily." Mister Gr egor y sounded fr om the top of the stair case.

Lily r eplied in a shaky voice."?Just - just cleaning up in the backr oom, Mister

Gr egor y."

"Right you ar e my dear , just make sur e you?r e car eful ar ound the books. I am

going for lunch and then I?ll continue w ith my office w or k into the after noon. Feel

fr ee to take your s now if you w ish."

"Okay, yep. Will do."

Ther e was no figur e standing behind Lily.

Shaking the ner ves out of her self, Lily laughed off the figur e as a tr ick of the light.

Yet, again, just as one catches a glimpse of something at the bottom of the stair case

as they look away, ther e was still that nagging feeling that ther e was someone, or

something, ther e.

Lily was also baffled once again at how late into the day it was. It seemed that


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