Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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?Wher e is it, then?? Simon said, sear ching for signs of a body gather ing snow in the

dar k.

?That?s w hat I?m saying. He?s not ther e, and ther e is no tr ace of him. Not even a dr op of

blood. Ar e you sur e you hit him??

?Of cour se I did! You hear d it hit the w indscr een. I felt the impact, didn?t you? Well, it

must be OK, then. It must have r un off. Help me tr y to push this thing back on the r oad. We

can?t stand her e like this.?

The w or st of the gale?s temper began to subside, but the snow kept falling sulky and thick.

A w hite, w et veil was slow ly enshr ouding them as they stood in the headlights of the car.

?But Simon, ther e ar en?t even any footpr ints.?

Simon had star ted to push against the bonnet-end of the car to for ce the fr ont w heels out

of the ditch. He stopped dead at her w or ds and looked at her.

?What? Ther e must be. We hit it r ight her e.?

?But ther e ar en?t. If he r an off ther e w ould be hoof pr ints, w ouldn?t ther e? Ther e?s no

sign of him, no tr ace, like he was never ther e.?

Simon star ed at her ; then he laughed. ?OK. Well, the snow must have cover ed them up. It

can?t be badly hur t to r un off like that. Now please, let?s tr y to get the car out and get out of

her e.?

They both pushed, slipping and sliding in the snow , for war ds, backwar d, sideways, all

ways, but the car was stuck fast in the ditch. They got back in and tr ied to call the

br eakdow n r ecover y that came w ith the hir e of the car , but their phones had no signal.

Simon noticed that the w indscr een was not cr acked.

?At least w e w on?t have to pay for that,? Simon said.

But Beth could not even smile. Nothing was on the r oads. No one was going to stop and

help them. They w ould have to spend the night in the car. What if they r an out of fuel?

They had under a quar ter of a tank left after dr iving so slow ly in low gear all this way. They


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