Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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T he Hunting L odge

by A.J. Black

Years ago, I saw a painting on an antiques programme depicting a scene

of a deer stalking ?accident?. I never forgot it. I live in the Scottish

Highlands, where Scots Baronial hotels are haunted by their former lives

as hunting lodges. Together, they begot this story, where Nature, or

rather, a super-Nature, exacts a terrible revenge upon humanity.

It was m adness? pi tch dar k and a bl i zzar d bl ow i ng l i k e whi te f ur y agai nst a bl ack

cur t ai n, and Si m on?s k nuck l es, whi te and t i ght , gr i ppi ng onto t he steer i ng wheel .

It was madness, being on the r oads on a night like this. Nobody else was. But w hat choice

did they have now ? They could not stop now ? they had dr iven themselves into now her e.

Thr ee o?clock had been far too late in the after noon to set off fr om Edinbur gh at this time

of year. And w hen the fir st fat flakes of snow had intensified to a thick, fast blizzar d, they

should have sought r efuge for the night or tur ned back to the city. But they had car r ied on,

telling themselves they w ould make it.Their plans w er e r uined. Ever ything was w r ecked

and w r ong. Their joint denial of it was the bond and the bait that kept them moving w hen

they r eally should have stopped. And as the snow had dr iven faster and faster , they had

dr iven slow er and slow er until it was now the middle of the night and the w hitewashed

Highlands could have been the moon, so distant, so inhospitable, so uninhabited had they


?Even if w e get ther e now , it?s too late to pick up the keys,? Beth said, quietly.

Simon did not answ er. All his concentr ation was devoted to keeping the tyr es somehow

adher ed to the r oad and the r oad somehow discer ned in the w hiteout.

It was not meant to be like this. It was Chr istmas Eve. By now , they should be dr aped in


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