Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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I called for the war den to r etur n to the chur ch, so I could ask him w her e the paper s had

been found and if ther e was any chance of ther e being any mor e that I could see. He

explained that, as far as he knew , all the paper s that had been found w er e now in my

possession and that they had been discover ed hidden behind a gr avestone outside. The

gr ave stone had long been fixed to one of the outer walls of the chur ch and then all of a

sudden, one mor ning it appear ed to have fallen over in the night. It pulled out some

sections of masonr y and r evealed a small hole in the wall, w her ein the paper s w er e found.

The war den took me outside to see the hole. The light was beginning to fade, so I quickly

made my way to w her e it was and got dow n on my knees to see in.

The hole w ent some way into the wall but was ver y low dow n, so view ing was not easy.

The war den lent me his cigar ette lighter to illuminate things. I popped my head inside, my

ar m str etched out befor e me, lighting the way. Ther e, at the ver y end of the hole, I thought I

saw a piece of paper folded up quite small and tucked almost entir ely behind a br ick. I

picked at one of the cor ner s and managed to manoeuvr e the paper out, just enough for me

to gr ab the w hole thing and r etr ieve.

"Well I never ," said the war den. "I was sur e w e had gotten ever ything out that was

ther e."

"It was quite w ell hidden at the ver y back," I said. "Thank you for your help. I shan't

need anything fur ther."

"Right you ar e," he said and tur ned to walk away. As he did, I looked past him into the

adjoining field w her e I again saw the flicker ing light and the faint sound of music.

"What is going on over ther e?? I asked.

"Over w her e, sir ?" he said.

"In that field," and I pointed towar ds the lights.

"Over ther e? Why, ther e's nothing in ther e excepting the big dip."

He explained that in the next field ther e was a peculiar dip in the gr ound, quite the

opposite of a hill he said. It dipped some seven or eight feet and was, he had been told, the


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