Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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T he D ancing Children

by Sam Cossey

The inspiration for The Dancing Children came from growing up in the

East Anglian countryside. Underneath the big Norfolk skies, and

wrapped up in the deep, black meres, and the flat expanses of fields

there was the haunting inevitability of a rural, barely concealed horror

watching and waiting.

The stor y whi ch I am about to r el ate i s one of t he m ost si ngul ar and f ant ast i c of m y

l i fe. The follow ing events occur r ed w hen I was a young man not too long out of univer sity

and w or king for an ar chiving company in the Midlands. The company in question

specialised in litur gical documents and my w or k w ould involve tr avelling the length and

br eadth of the countr y to leaf thr ough r ecor ds w hich had been br ought to the company's

attention, in the hopes of finding something of inter est. The w or k was invar iably quite dull

but, for tunately, I spent only tw o year s at this employment befor e an oppor tunity ar ose

elsew her e w hich saw an incr ease in pay and decr ease in hour s. I can honestly say that in

those tw o year s, ther e was only one occasion in w hich I was pr ivileged to r ecor d anything

of inter est.

I had been called to a tiny village in Nor folk, called Car br ooke, to examine a new ly found

manuscr ipt in the chur ch of St Paul and St Peter. I ar r ived in the village and was astounded

at the size of the chur ch. The population of the village was only a couple of thousand but

the chur ch loomed above the settlement and looked big enough for a tow n thr ee or four

times the size. I was met by the chur chwar den and he let me into the chur ch w her e I was

to begin my cataloguing. The war den explained that ther e was no r egular pr iest of the

chur ch, it being par t of a small amalgamated family and that the vicar was housed tw o

villages over to the nor th. As such, he explained, I w ould have the chur ch essentially to

myself dur ing w hich time I w ould be able to per use the manuscr ipt at my leisur e.


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