Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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Lily asked.

The r esponse to her question was an emphatic silence, and as Lily peer ed back at

the old man she was met w ith a steely glar e. Lily star ed back, never one to back

away fr om a little confr ontation. After a moment, Mister Gr egor y r egained his

composur e, the smile coming back to his face.

"Ahem. I am not one w ho believes in the par anor mal, Miss Lily."

"May I ask w hy not?"

Mor e silence fr om Mister Gr egor y suggested that w hatever the r eason, Lily w ould

not get an answ er. Lily, undeter r ed, continued pr ying.

"I only enquir e about the par anor mal as much of my disser tation r esear ch is

based ar ound the infamous collection of inscr iptions etched into glass that w er e

discover ed her e in Middleton. The ones that w er e r umour ed to be able to let spir its

cr oss r ealities."

Mister Gr egor y laughed a little.

"?I see, Miss Lily. I suppose that is w hy you w er e so eager to w or k her e?"

Lily nodded, going a little r ed. "I admit I figur ed this shop was an ideal place to

finish my r esear ch. But w hen I ar r ived to chat w ith you last w eek, w ell-"

Lily motioned to the waves of books that sur r ounded the tw o of them.

"- it seemed as though this place was cr ying out for some or ganisation. So, I

figur ed I could help you for a w hile, in r etur n for a few books I could take away for

r esear ch."

Mister Gr egor y gr unted. A gr unt of r eluctant appr oval.

"Well, I appr eciate your honesty, my dear , though I w ish you had told me that

you w er e studying the par anor mal. I w ould have told you that you?d be out of luck

her e."


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