Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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He nudged my knee w ith his foot, a gentle way of keeping me pr esent befor e I tucked

myself completely away in my head.

?Even though you so cr uelly r ebuked my pr oposal the other night ? as far as I r emember

it ? I fully intend to spend the r est of my life w ith you. And if that means spending a life

w ith your ghosts as w ell then I might as w ell get to meet them.?

I w ish it was something as homely as he imagined: the cuddly shade of gr andma or the

family dog. A memor y that w ould embr ace him as its ow n. Something w e w ould laugh

about thr ough the year s.

?Lots of people hate Chr istmas, it?s nothing mor e than that.?

?Is that w hen he left??

The flat was a soft hive of ticking r adiator s and gentle clocks; it had been our s for less

than a year but w e had made it a cosy bur r ow for waiting out the w inter. To tear open that

dank coffin w ould leave us r ipe for the cr ow s and car r ion-eater s.

?Sor t of. He wasn?t a gr eat dad.?

Guilt w or med in my gut to speak ill of the dead.

?Mum said she didn?t want mor e kids but he wanted a boy. He talked about toughening

me up. ?Got to tough her up?, he used to say. Make me the son he never had, I suppose.

Stupid bastar d.?


Steve sat up str aight, to show he was listening. It tumbled out in a r ush.

?One w inter he took me hunting. I r efused to shoot anything. He called me a pussy, a

little bitch. Said that the big bad w or ld w ould come looking for me and I needed to be able

to fight back. Needed to know w hat death felt like.?

Heavy black boots in the snow. Footpr ints, stalled in their pr ime. A shatter of bir ds

fleeing the fr osted pines as one r eflex.?He killed a deer. Dr agged it back to the house by its

hooves. I cr ied the w hole time. Got sent to bed w ithout dinner and listened to him and


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