Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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smear ed w ith r ed. A cold w eight in my hand. The image hit me like a migr aine.

?It?s nothing? ?

The str eet r oar ed ar ound me like tinnitus, like the sudden sw ell of w ind in the tr ees. My

eyes w er e w et.

?Oh honey, w hat is it??

The w et became a flood. He pulled me into a tight hug, into the safe cave of his chest,

swallow ing the city until it was just us.

?We?ll find a pr iest. Or something. We?ll figur e it out. Someone w ill know w hat to do.?

As always, w ithout question, he w ould follow me into the dar k. Calm, r ational Steve, w ith

his physics and computing and hear teningly simple way of seeing the w or ld, w illing to

accept w hatever bonker s tr uth I thr ow at him. I love him so much it hur ts.

?Let?s go home.?

He waved dow n a black cab, deposited me inside and instr ucted the dr iver to take us

home, double-time.

12th December

I left the office later than planned. The r ain was ashy and r elentless. The str eets w er e

gr imy water colour s and over flow ing dr ains, gushes of litter and new spaper clogging the

thr oats of the city. I navigated umbr ellas and r ough shoulder s to slip into the tunnels of the

tube. It r eeked of sw eat and stale chips. The busy platfor m r olled onto the tr ain like a tide

but thinned out quickly once w e got going, tw o or thr ee at each stop and I was alone in the

car r iage w hen w e r eached Caledonian Road. I could br eathe in this lonely pocket of tow n,

away fr om the insistent pr essing of voices and hands and cologne. The tr ain sw ept the

r emnants out towar ds Cockfoster s and I was left w ith the hollow click of my boots. I

stopped to untangle headphones and the clicking continued fr om somew her e behind.

Ther e was no one on the platfor m. I hur r ied to the exit.

The station foyer was an empty caver n of sickly yellow tiling, slick fr om w et and

fluor escents. I dug for my ticket and saw a tr ail of mar ks on the floor ; small br ow n mud-


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