Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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?Do you think you should talk to someone??

I w ent back to the safety of smear ed glass, avoiding the dar k sway of tr ees beyond. It was

cr eeping in w ith mor e confidence now , as soon as the leaves change. Making itself know n.

Maybe it was the changing per spective that comes w ith age but I?m sur e it is getting closer ,

cir cling my waggons. I huddled deeper into my coat as if polyester and duck dow n could

stall the chill.


?It w on?t help. They w on?t under stand it.?

?I know but? ?

?You don?t under stand.?

Another gr ow l, softer this time.

?I know.?

Red on w hite on r ed on w hite, in the black.

He didn?t br ing it up for the r est of the night. We ate, w e smoked, w e loved and then he

slept. I sur r ender ed to bed w ith the sw eet smell of candle high in my nose. Steve had

bought it as a gift to r emind me of home and I focused on the deep, alpine scent, the cold

w et secr ets of scatter ed for ests. I pictur ed the gather of pines, succulent gr een until you

look r ight at them and then they stand, black as midnight, sentr ies to the gates beyond.

Winter sun filter ing thr ough needles as the knife-edged season?s thr eat r ustles their

boughs. It tugged at my hear t. He must have sear ched to find a wax w ith such natur al


My eyes star ted to dr ift and then a loop of panic hooked my thr oat. The for ests w er e safe

fr om a distance but even in memor y they br ought something w ith them. For a few days

now it had been a feeling, an itch in my hear t but now it show ed itself, a dar k shape

moving thr ough leaf and bar k, gliding silently as if above the cr ackling needlebeds. The

shadow stealthed into the r oom, bar r ing light fr om the hallway door w ith four solid str uts

of leg. A low intake of br eath and sudden belch of musky steam fr om its damp flanks as it


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