Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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Lily nodded, peer ing back at the odd-hued book in the glass cabinet. Though she?d

never seen them befor e, the inscr iptions on the fr ont cover seemed vaguely

familiar. The r otten smell began to fill her nostr ils again.

Mister Gr egor y continued. "Anyhoo, feel fr ee to leave your jacket and bag out

her e. I?ll make us a cup of tea."

As Mister Gr egor y deftly sailed thr ough the sea to the stair case, he called to Lily.

"The books in those cabinets ar e ever so delicate, so I ask you not to touch them,

my dear. How do you take your tea?"

"Milk w ith tw o sugar s, please."

"Excellent. I?ll be back in tw o ticks."

Lily continued gazing into the glass cabinet, holding her nose. Even as a child, she

had never fancied her self as someone w ho took or der s fr om anyone else. So, w hen

Mister Gr egor y asked her not to touch the book w ith the hue she couldn?t quite

descr ibe and the inscr iptions that seemed so familiar ? Well, it was as if he w er e

instead inviting her to do just that. Plus, the mor e she star ed at the w r iting on the

fr ont cover , the mor e she began to think that it may just be the exact book she was

looking for ?

The thing seemed to be beckoning her , w hisper ing to her.

Lily figur ed that she ought to go and get star ted in the stor e. Yet the book was still

calling to her , as if it wanted to be r ead...

"Her e you go, dear , milk w ith tw o sugar s."

Star tled, Lily br oke her gaze to see Mister Gr egor y str olling back thr ough the

black door holding tw o old and w or n mugs. He handed one to her , smiling. The

mug was decor ated w ith a faded gr een dinosaur holding a book, along w ith the

w or d The-'saur us?. Lily cr acked a little smile.


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