Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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blur r ed eyes, I could see that it had collapsed onto one side, and the hor ses had

br oken fr ee fr om tor n tether s, pounding away dow n Old Coach Road.?

?Get this man out of her e,? Whitlock half-shouted, half-moaned, as if in agony.

Yet not a man moved.

?As I cr adled Emily in my ar ms, I saw the dr iver stagger ing to his feet in the r oad,

ahead of the over tur ned coach. As he stood, swaying in the dusk, he pulled fr om his

belt, a pistol!?

Whitlock tr ied to get up fr om his chair , but was unable; per haps due to the effects

of the alcohol - inebr iated, just as he had been on that dr eadful day. He clutched at

his chest, gasping for br eath w hich labour ed to come.

?You pointed that pistol str aight at my hear t, Whitlock. And you pulled the

tr igger ? You couldn?t affor d the scandal, could you?? He shook his head feebly,

quietly w hining now , eyes pleading.

?Even intoxicated as you w er e, you made off acr oss the fields then had your

?men?r etur n to satur ate the coach in petr ol or some such thing. Shielded by tr ees,

they disposed of the evidence. By the time the r esulting fir e was discover ed, it was

far too late! You left me ? and my beloved Emily ? bleeding in the dust of the

r oadway. Like tw o w hipped cur s? ?

Whitlock?s w or ds came as little mor e than a hoar se cr oak: ?My dr iver had been

taken ill, that?s w hy I was? You w er e dead? Both of you?

Dead? ?

And ther e it was. The equivalence of a confession.

Ther e was only one thing r emaining to do.

I slow ly but fir mly pulled open my shir t at the fr ont, to r eveal the r agged hole

w her e the bullet had passed thr ough to my hear t. Whitlock?s eyes gaped madly


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