Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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polished br ass plaque, was set into the wall above the paintings: Quercu de Cordibus


Whitlock saw my inter est in the inscr iption. ?Hear ts of Oak, old chap. A fitting

epithet for the pr esidents of the Elmsall, w ouldn?t you say?? The question was

pur ely r hetor ical and he immediately continued. ?So, Bainbr idge, you?ve declar ed

an inter est in member ship of this histor ic establishment. What is it that you think

you can br ing to our Club, w er e w e to gr ant you entr y??

The man was so pompous.

?Well, sir ,? I r eplied, w ith a gestur e to the cluster s of tw eed-suited gentlemen

situated about the high-ceilinged r oom, ?I feel I have much in common w ith your

member s; I have acquir ed a ver y comfor table standar d of living, fr om my

accountancy business. I w ould cer tainly have no difficulty in managing the annual


In fact, I w ould be mor e than happy to make a gener ous donation to the Elmsall,

in addition? ? I paused, in or der to take note of the glint in Whitlock?s eye, and

r ealized that the bait was being sniffed.

He nodded, sagely, mur mur ing, ?Go on.?

?I am an old Etonian.? Flashing the old school tie couldn?t do any har m. ?And

my father is confident that my application to the Fr eemasons w ill be appr oved in

the near futur e.?

I obser ved a know ing smile flicker on his lips, befor e it disappear ed as quickly as

it had come. ?Mmm? Indeed. But one thing puzzles me, Bainbr idge. My sour ces

infor m me that you ar e w idow ed. This is a gentlemen?s club; that is, a club for

gentlemen w ho, to be fr ank,? (he tapped the side of his nose, conspir ator ially) ?w ish

to escape, for a time, the pressures of domesticity ? w ife, childr en, ser vants... Ther e

ar e a gr eat many other s that w ould appeal to a single, available young man. Why


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