Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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joined like cher r ies w ith a stalk of ar ter y. Cassy was ther e sometimes, pulling one of

those slick, feeble hear ts fr om its stem w ith her teeth like an animal at its

after bir th; swallow ing it; feeling it beating inside her belly.

With the mor nings, w ith consciousness, these dr eams w ould fade. In per ipher y,

in the last puffs of sleeping, they w er e r emember ed only by the uneasiness they left

behind -? the leviathan was never seen, only the distur bance in the water after its

sounding. Ever y mor ning Cassy w ould wake to this uncanny sense of loss, like the

face of a childhood fr iend that memor y couldn?t conjur e. Ever y mor ning she w ould

wake befor e Adam w ith a name almost upon her lips and then daylight beat its way

into her thoughts. Ever y mor ning she w ould watch him sleeping, listen to him

br eathing, and keep the feeling fr om him once he aw oke. She let him sleep.


?You look tir ed,? Adam said, looking into Cassy?s dar k eyes; ?w e can go another

time.? She shushed him.

?I told you I?d come,? she said. ?I want to come.?

?You still not getting a decent night?s sleep?? he asked. Above them, the number s

on the station?s clocked flipped over w ith a loud clack and the milling cr ow d began

to shuffle on their feet expectantly. He cr aned his neck dow n the tr ack to see if he

could spot their tr ain and slipped his hand into her s. He liked the way that it fitted

ar ound her s so comfor tably. She let her head sag onto his shoulder and he said to

her , ?Rest on the tr ain if you want.?

The jour ney seemed shor ter to Adam this time. Per haps because he was eager this

time to shar e his new s at his mother ?s gr aveside. He didn?t want to keep Cassy in

the cemeter y too long, so if she per ked up a little he?d pr obably suggest a str oll

thr ough the tow n or a pub lunch. If not, then he?d get her home nice and ear ly.


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