Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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?Photo album.?

?Oh my God!? Cassy squealed, ?little baby Adam!? She flipped thr ough the

photos, at tur ns aah-ing then giggling.

?Ther e?s one r ight at the back,? he was leaning over her shoulder now , ?must?ve

been taken w hen I was only a few hour s old.? She flipped to the last page and

indeed ther e was a pictur e all on its ow n: a tiny baby w r apped in a w hite blanket;

eyes closed.

?Sickly child,? she mur mur ed.

?Poor lighting? Adam defended.

?But you?r e almost blue!? She flipped the photo over. On the back in thin black

bir o was a date ? Adam?s bir thday ? and a quote: ?And they shall be one flesh, one

hear t, one soul ? EMMA? she r ead.

?You ever hear of a poem called ?Emma??? he asked. She shook her head.

?Ther e?s a book. Jane Austen. The quote doesn?t r ing a bell, though.? She flipped

the pictur e back over to consider the tiny, w r inkled gr ey face.


Cassy w oke smoothly to the noise but wasn?t sur e if it had come fr om inside the

r oom or fr om her sleep. She came to a little mor e, could smell smoke, and str etched

a hand acr oss to the empty side of the bed next to her. The noise came again and

she sat up a little. Adam was in the shadow s, sitting in the chair in the far cor ner ,

the tip of a cigar ette bobbing w her e his hand shook. He was cr ying. She slid out of

bed and as soon as he r ealised that she was awake he began to r ub at his eyes. She

sat by his feet and r ested her head in his lap.

"Hey,? she w hisper ed.

?Didn?t mean to wake you,? he said, his voice a little cr oaky. He took a pull on his


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