Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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The chur ch was emer ging now , and a r ook was caw ing somew her e in the

gr ounds. The Chur ch of the Immaculate Passion. He passed thr ough the gate and

the pebbled path that led to the main entr ance clicked under foot. He follow ed it for

a few paces befor e cutting acr oss the gr ass, cir cling r ound to the r ear of the

building. He w eaved his way betw een slanting headstones and made his way

towar ds her. He came up quietly and stood for a few moments, hear t in his thr oat,

befor e softly saying, ?Hello, Mum.? The r ook caw ed again, fur ther away now. ?I?ve

br ought some flow er s,? he said, feeling a little foolish; but he laid them dow n all the

same, in fr ont of her headstone.


I am I am I am

I am a ghost, of sor ts. Existing inside a pr e-bir th memor y that is never called

upon. I am par t of a r eptilian br ain. What r emains of me is that par t w hich w ent

w ith my br other w hen w e w er e expelled. We w er e split and moulded fr om the

same mater ials. I cour se thr ough his blood and sw ell in his chest and thud in his

ear s, but he cannot hear me.

He is for getting.


Cassy noticed a differ ence in him almost str aight away ? nothing dr astic, but a

little something, nonetheless. A few days passed befor e she could put her finger on

w hat it was, though. They w er e out for the evening, some small pub on the way to

see a movie, and he was saying: ?I?m r emember ing so much mor e about her since I

w ent to her gr ave. It?s like I?d locked myself out fr om my ow n childhood, but it?s all

coming back now , y?know ? The good times.? That was w hen she r ealised: He?s not


Over the next few months, his smile came mor e easily; she found ways of getting


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