Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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?Swear!? they scr eamed in chor us.

?I don?t want to,? I begged.

I cover ed my ear s and sank to the gr ound. A how l of disappointment w ent up

ar ound me, r inging in my ear s.


The stor y ends exactly w her e I left it. I must?ve passed out? or maybe w oke

up?? because the next thing I knew it was mor ning. The long br ow n gr ass was

w et w ith dew. The silver sun was sliding up the sky. The ghosts w er e gone

fr om Ker sal Moor.

I?m for ty now. People tell me I look older.

I w ouldn?t say I believe in ghosts, exactly, because I waited a long time on the

moor that night. Maybe I just fell asleep and had a nightmar e. I don?t think I

did, but it?s cer tainly possible.

The next w inter solstice to fall on a new moon was the one at the end of 2003.

I don?t mind saying I was too scar ed to leave the house that night. I just sat in

the kitchen w ith a six-pack of beer , pr aying that I w ouldn?t hear them singing

on the near by moor. It happened again in 2014, but I?d moved to Br istol by

then and didn?t feel as thr eatened.

The w or ds of the song w er e:

O, unless you are a vicar

Hell will have your soul for sure

The Devil?s quick but we were quicker


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