Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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that they w er e happy w ith their chosen after life. I couldn?t see any. Just a nagging

kind of hunger.

Then I saw him.

A familiar face like chamois leather , looming over those of his neighbour s. He

hadn?t changed at all - or r ather , he?d only gr ow n fainter. He was singing w ith the

r est of them, and w hen our eyes met he nodded in encour agement and smiled.

But not w ith his eyes.

?Gr andpa?? I said in sur pr ise - but he melted back into dar kness, singing as he

w ent.

I tur ned my attention back to the r ingleader. He low er ed his head until the pale

face was level w ith mine.

?Swear!? he bellow ed.

His br eath was a r ush of cold air , like a bitter w ind blasting my face. As I

stagger ed backwar ds, my dr eamy fascination tur ned to alar m. I?d seen and hear d


I looked behind me and saw no escape r oute. I was sur r ounded on all sides by


?Swear, swear!? they chanted.

They began to close in on me. As they did, I span helplessly on the spot, then

tur ned skywar d in desper ation. Nothing could be seen. No star s - no clouds -

nothing. Not even the faint gr ey glow of light pollution. Ther e was nothing left

in the w or ld but me, the ghosts and per fect dar kness.


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