Horror Stories from Horrified - Volume One (2)

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it was my job to walk Din-Dins, and I did it alone. I don?t know w hat happened to

Gr andpa - w hether he?d had a fall, or w hatever - but I don?t think I saw him

standing after that. He always seemed to be sitting in a chair , like he was shr inking

in on himself.

When Autumn came, he was moved to a nur sing home. It wasn?t long befor e Dad

took me to visit. The lobby smelled of gr avy gr anules and disinfectant. Ther e was a

communal hall w ith pr etend car pet laid dow n in squar es, and the ar mchair s w er e

like the ones in a hospital. Ther e was something about it that made me uneasy, so I

held back ner vously.

?Come on,? said Dad impatiently.

We found Gr andpa watching snooker w ith the sound tur ned dow n. Dad r eminded

him of all the things he?d done ther e, like fish on Fr iday, r oast beef Sunday. They?d

watched a tape of Brief Encounter. Ther e was even a chess set by one of the

w indow s, though one of the paw ns was a cor k stood on end.

?It?s not bad, is it?? said Dad. ?I mean, all things consider ed, it?s not too bad.?

Gr andpa smiled but not w ith his eyes.

?It?s not too bad,? he agr eed.

When w e got back in the car , w e sat ther e quietly for a moment.

?Gr andpa?s not all r ight,? I said at last.

Dad looked at me in the r ear view mir r or.

?What do you mean, ?not all r ight??? he said in alar m. ?He was smiling, wasn?t


?Well yeah. But not pr oper ly.?


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