NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance

NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela. Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas. - An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices. - Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo - Producido por / Produced by ©2020 di-conexiones NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance
Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela.
Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas.
An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices.
Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo
Producido por / Produced by

©2020 di-conexiones

from ignacio.urbina.polo More from this publisher

Apurruños, 2020Natali Marcano, Tania MarcanoKua Ethical | @kuasolidariaCaracas, Venezuela«Los Apurruños fueron creados recientemente en medio de la pandemia. Sus autoras,Natali Marcano y Tania Marcano, son dos hermanas venezolanas con experiencia en eldiseño de modas y la confección.Hace dos años crearon una organización llamada Kua Ethical con el objetivo de formary capacitar a mujeres sin oportunidades en el mundo laboral. En kuaSOLIDARIArecibenentrenamiento en el oficio de la creación de accesorios y técnicas de confección. LosApurruños son unos personajes acolchados que nacieron para llevar abrazos a los niñosen situación de riesgo social que reciben apoyo como parte de la misión de Kua Ethical.La confección de los Apurruños está en las manos amorosas de mujeres adultas mayoresque desean estar activas y necesitan devengar un salario, que les permita mejorarsus condiciones de vida a la vez que sentirse útiles. Ellas nos recuerdan los brazosamorosos de nuestras abuelas. Estos juguetes son hechos 100% a mano con materialreciclable a partir de la confección de carteras de su marca benéfica Kua Ethical Fashion.El patrón de los Apurruños fue hecho a mano alzada, el interés fue que siguiera una líneanatural, con curvas, sin simetría exacta porque son cortados y confeccionados a mano.Los brazos abiertos muestran las ganas de dar amor. Cada uno lleva el sentimiento y eltalento de la mujer que lo crea».

“The Apurruños were created recently in the middle of the pandemic. Its authors, NataliMarcano and Tania Marcano, are two Venezuelan sisters with experience in fashiondesign and clothing.Two years ago they created an organization called Kua Ethical with the aim of educatingand empowering women without opportunities in the world of work. In kuaSOLIDARIAthey receive training in the craft of creating accessories and clothing techniques. TheApurruños are padded characters that were born to bring hugs to children at social riskwho receive support as part of the mission of Kua Ethical.The making of Apurruños is in the loving hands of older women who want to be activeand need to earn a salary, which allows them to improve their living conditions whilefeeling useful. They remind us of the loving arms of our grandmothers. These toys aremade 100% by hand with recyclable material from the making of wallets of their charitybrand Kua Ethical Fashion.The Apurruños pattern was made freehand, the interest was that it followed a naturalline, with curves, without exact symmetry because they are cut and made by hand.Open arms show the desire to give love. Each one carries the feeling and talent of thewoman who creates it.”

“The Apurruños were created recently in the middle of the pandemic. Its authors, Natali

Marcano and Tania Marcano, are two Venezuelan sisters with experience in fashion

design and clothing.

Two years ago they created an organization called Kua Ethical with the aim of educating

and empowering women without opportunities in the world of work. In kuaSOLIDARIA

they receive training in the craft of creating accessories and clothing techniques. The

Apurruños are padded characters that were born to bring hugs to children at social risk

who receive support as part of the mission of Kua Ethical.

The making of Apurruños is in the loving hands of older women who want to be active

and need to earn a salary, which allows them to improve their living conditions while

feeling useful. They remind us of the loving arms of our grandmothers. These toys are

made 100% by hand with recyclable material from the making of wallets of their charity

brand Kua Ethical Fashion.

The Apurruños pattern was made freehand, the interest was that it followed a natural

line, with curves, without exact symmetry because they are cut and made by hand.

Open arms show the desire to give love. Each one carries the feeling and talent of the

woman who creates it.”

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