NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance

NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela. Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas. - An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices. - Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo - Producido por / Produced by ©2020 di-conexiones NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance
Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela.
Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas.
An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices.
Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo
Producido por / Produced by

©2020 di-conexiones

from ignacio.urbina.polo More from this publisher

Melina, 2019Mayra BriceñoIdentidad Diseñ | @identidaddisenoMérida, Venezuela«Melina fue diseñado por capricho. La mielera es una pieza que estéticamente me gustamucho y la iniciativa fue hacer una versión Identidad Diseño de ella, aprovechando elparque tecnológico con el que contamos.Para diseñarla, investigamos los usos de las mieleras. Tomamos en cuenta que fuera losuficientemente larga para usarla en frascos con comodidad, que su parte contenedorafuera grande y sus hendiduras anchas y profundas para que pueda contener la miel y algirarla no se vierta sobre las superficies sino al momento de ponerla estática. No sólosirve para miel, también se puede usar con jarabes y aderezos. El set de Melina con sucuenco se diseñó para poner en la mesa, como un elemento para servir.Fue muy interesante conocer un poco más de la cultura de miel venezolana de buenacalidad y pureza y, de alguna manera, poder ayudar a promoverla. Además fue muyestimulante saber que los productores de miel promueven la protección de las abejasy su ecosistema».Madera de fresno.Torneado, grabado en láser y acabados hechos a mano.Cuenco: madera sellada y recubrimiento epoxi grado alimenticio color blanco.Mielera: sellada con aceite de ajonjolí y coco.

“Melina was designed on a whim. The honey bowl is a piece that aesthetically I like alot and the initiative was to make a Identidad Diseño version of it, taking advantage ofthe technology park we have.To design it, we investigated the uses of honeysuckle. We took into account that it waslong enough to be used in jars comfortably, that its container part was large and its slitswide and deep so that it could contain the honey and when turning it, it is not pouredon the surfaces but at the time of putting it static. Not only does it work for honey, it canalso be used with syrups and dressings. Melina’s bowl set was designed to be put onthe table, as a serving item.It was very interesting to know a little more about the culture of Venezuelan honey ofgood quality and purity and, in some way, to be able to help promote it. It was also veryencouraging to know that honey producers promote the protection of bees and theirecosystem.”Ash wood.Turning, laser engraving and hand finished finishes.Bowl: sealed wood and white food grade epoxy coating.Honey tray: sealed with sesameand coconut oil.

“Melina was designed on a whim. The honey bowl is a piece that aesthetically I like a

lot and the initiative was to make a Identidad Diseño version of it, taking advantage of

the technology park we have.

To design it, we investigated the uses of honeysuckle. We took into account that it was

long enough to be used in jars comfortably, that its container part was large and its slits

wide and deep so that it could contain the honey and when turning it, it is not poured

on the surfaces but at the time of putting it static. Not only does it work for honey, it can

also be used with syrups and dressings. Melina’s bowl set was designed to be put on

the table, as a serving item.

It was very interesting to know a little more about the culture of Venezuelan honey of

good quality and purity and, in some way, to be able to help promote it. It was also very

encouraging to know that honey producers promote the protection of bees and their


Ash wood.

Turning, laser engraving and hand finished finishes.

Bowl: sealed wood and white food grade epoxy coating.Honey tray: sealed with sesame

and coconut oil.

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