NoMateria 2020 | Balance

NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela. Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas. - An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices. - Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo - Producido por / Produced by NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance
Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela.
Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas.
An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices.
Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo
Producido por / Produced by

from ignacio.urbina.polo More from this publisher

Cubo de Caracas, 2019Incursiones + Will Sandy DesignMaria Valentina Gonzalez, Stefan Gzyl, Alexandra Nuñez,Josymar Rodriguez, Will Sandy, Alfonso Torres, Pedro Tortello.Aliados / allies: The British Council, Colectivox, Cultura Chacao,Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo UCV | Fabricación / fabrication: | @incursionesveCaracas, Venezuela - London, UK«El Cubo de Caracas es el resultado de una colaboración de un año con el British Council,que comenzó con una convocatoria a diseñadores del Reino Unido para trabajar en unproyecto para el espacio público.Luego de una primera visita a Venezuela en octubre de 2018, el arquitecto Will Sandytrabajó junto a Incursiones en el diseño de esta pequeña instalación prefabricada queocuparía espacios públicos en distintas comunidades de la ciudad por períodos de tresmeses.El Cubo de Caracas fue concebido como un dispositivo capaz de promover intercambiosculturales, educativos y sociales dentro de la comunidad. Cual catalizador, buscaaumentar las oportunidades de interacción e intercambio en contextos donde la infraestructurapara estas actividades es insuficiente, con la aspiración de que adquieransuficiente impulso como para continuar cuando la pieza se traslade a otro destino. Así,el cubo aspira identificar oportunidades y aptitudes, dándole a sus usuarios agencia enla definición de actividades y usos del espacio público en un momento en que el tejidourbano y social de la ciudad está en pésimas condiciones.Como herramienta, la pieza busca involucrar activamente al ciudadano en su usoy operación. Su diseño flexible permite múltiples configuraciones que pueden darsoporte a un rango amplio de actividades; clases, reuniones y eventos comunitarios,exposiciones o basquetbol.La pieza consiste en una estructura en acero con componentes pivotantes metálicos yen madera, que pueden ser fácilmente instalados y operados. El cubo puede ser transportadoentero o como un kit de partes. Es robusto y atractivo a la vez, específico peroflexible, generando un marco al tiempo que deja suficiente tolerancia para permitir usosy apropiaciones que no fueron anticipadas».

“El Cubo de Caracas is the result of a year-long collaboration with the British Council,which began with a call for UK designers to work on a project for public space.After a first visit to Venezuela in October 2018, the architect Will Sandy worked with Incursionsin the design of this small prefabricated installation that would occupy publicspaces in different communities of the city for periods of three months.El Cubo de Caracas was conceived as a device capable of promoting cultural, educationaland social exchanges within the community. As a catalyst, it seeks to increasethe opportunities for interaction and exchange in contexts where the infrastructure forthese activities is insufficient, with the aspiration that they acquire enough momentumto continue when the piece is moved to another destination. Thus, the cube aspires toidentify opportunities and aptitudes, giving its users agency in defining activities anduses of public space at a time when the urban and social fabric of the city is in terriblecondition.As a tool, the piece seeks to actively involve the citizen in its use and operation. Its flexibledesign allows multiple configurations that can support a wide range of activities;classes, community meetings and events, exhibitions or basketball.The piece consists of a steel structure with pivoting metal and wooden components,which can be easily installed and operated. The cube can be transported whole or as akit of parts. It is robust and attractive at the same time, specific but flexible, generatinga framework while leaving enough tolerance to allow uses and appropriations thatwere not anticipated.”

“El Cubo de Caracas is the result of a year-long collaboration with the British Council,

which began with a call for UK designers to work on a project for public space.

After a first visit to Venezuela in October 2018, the architect Will Sandy worked with Incursions

in the design of this small prefabricated installation that would occupy public

spaces in different communities of the city for periods of three months.

El Cubo de Caracas was conceived as a device capable of promoting cultural, educational

and social exchanges within the community. As a catalyst, it seeks to increase

the opportunities for interaction and exchange in contexts where the infrastructure for

these activities is insufficient, with the aspiration that they acquire enough momentum

to continue when the piece is moved to another destination. Thus, the cube aspires to

identify opportunities and aptitudes, giving its users agency in defining activities and

uses of public space at a time when the urban and social fabric of the city is in terrible


As a tool, the piece seeks to actively involve the citizen in its use and operation. Its flexible

design allows multiple configurations that can support a wide range of activities;

classes, community meetings and events, exhibitions or basketball.

The piece consists of a steel structure with pivoting metal and wooden components,

which can be easily installed and operated. The cube can be transported whole or as a

kit of parts. It is robust and attractive at the same time, specific but flexible, generating

a framework while leaving enough tolerance to allow uses and appropriations that

were not anticipated.”

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