NoMateria 2020 | Balance

NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela. Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas. - An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices. - Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo - Producido por / Produced by NoMATERIA 2020 | Balance
Diseño Industrial de Venezuela. Industrial Design in Venezuela.
Una muestra online del trabajo de los diseñadores venezolanos. 28 objetos que hablan de la escala en el diseño, de los materiales, de los procesos de producción y de las prácticas.
An online exhibition of the work of Venezuelan designers. 28 objects that speak of scale in design, materials, production processes and practices.
Curada por / Curated by Ignacio Urbina Polo
Producido por / Produced by

from ignacio.urbina.polo More from this publisher

Ramp, 2019Proyecto / Project: Marcos Coronel (PICO Colectivo)Investigador y Artista Residente / Researcher and resident artist: Soc. Alfredo Pineda.Equipo de proyecto / Project team: Bárbara de Sousa, Janetza Medina.Construcción: Técnicos y talleristas invitados por CASINO_ Ecosistema de EconomíasCulturales, junto a múltiples skaters y activistas urbanos de la ciudad.Construction: Technicians and workshops invited by CASINO_ Ecosistema de EconomíasCulturales, together with multiple skaters and urban activists from the | @picocolectivoCaracas, Venezuela«Una adición en techo inspirada en la forma de las maquinas «corbusereanas». Pop-up5ta fachada.Primera operación para equipar el techo, a partir de una rampa skateboarding. Unaprotuberancia en la cubierta, que desdobla la calle, como espacio lógico para patinar.Forma parte de una serie de operaciones encargadas de dotar progresivamente, lasinstalaciones de un edificio vandalizado en el centro de Caracas, para su reconversiónen espacio cultural. Ramp es la estructura primogénita de la unidad deportiva dentrode este conjunto. Hacia el norte el Ávila y hacia el Sur las torres de Parque Central.La estereotómica del aparato busca generar una percepción de objeto tan liviano, queteóricamente flota. No representa ninguna carga adicional relevante para el edificio.Un plano doblado que apenas alcanza a abordar el suelo.Toda la pieza se apoya de la losa de techo existente sin socavar su superficie. La basede la curva entra en contacto con la estructura del edificio, por medio de una forma desujeción -simplemente apoyada-, cómo una viga que reposa trabada sobre las ménsulasde dos columnas, y logra permanecer inmóvil en sitio por su propio peso. Un esqueletocolaborante provisionalmente configura la silueta determinada. El radio y el recorridodeseados, son celosamente pre-dimensionados. La catenaria debe ser perfecta. Unerror de valores inhabilita el ángulo para patinar de manera natural.Está hecho a partir de una cáscara de concreto reforzado de 10 cm de espesor, con unagrilla interior formada por nervios de acero de ½ pulgada, en dos direcciones cada 20cm. Estabilizadores de metal en los bordes terminados, y un recubrimiento de proteccióncon lámina acanalada de acero galvanizado».

“An addition to the ceiling inspired by the shape of the ‘’ Corbusier ‘’ machines. Pop-up5th facade.First operation to equip the roof, starting from a skateboarding ramp. A bump on thedeck, which unfolds the street, as a logical space to skate.It is part of a series of operations in charge of progressively equipping the facilities ofa vandalized building in the center of Caracas, for its conversion into a cultural space.Ramp is the first-born structure of the sports unit within this ensemble. Towards thenorth Ávila and towards the south the towers of Parque Central.The stereotomics of the device seeks to generate a perception of an object so light thatit theoretically floats. It does not represent any additional relevant load for the building.A folded plane that barely reaches the ground.The entire piece rests on the existing roof slab without undermining its surface. The baseof the curve comes into contact with the structure of the building, through a form ofsupport -simply supported-, like a beam that rests locked on the corbels of two columns,and manages to remain immobile in place by its own weight. A collaborating skeletonprovisionally configures the determined silhouette. The desired radius and path arejealously pre-dimensioned. The catenary must be perfect. A value error disables theangle to skate naturally.It is made from a reinforced concrete shell 10 cm thick, with an inner grid formed by ½inch steel ribs, in two directions every 20 cm. Metal stabilizers on the finished edges,and a protective coating with corrugated galvanized steel sheet.”

“An addition to the ceiling inspired by the shape of the ‘’ Corbusier ‘’ machines. Pop-up

5th facade.

First operation to equip the roof, starting from a skateboarding ramp. A bump on the

deck, which unfolds the street, as a logical space to skate.

It is part of a series of operations in charge of progressively equipping the facilities of

a vandalized building in the center of Caracas, for its conversion into a cultural space.

Ramp is the first-born structure of the sports unit within this ensemble. Towards the

north Ávila and towards the south the towers of Parque Central.

The stereotomics of the device seeks to generate a perception of an object so light that

it theoretically floats. It does not represent any additional relevant load for the building.

A folded plane that barely reaches the ground.

The entire piece rests on the existing roof slab without undermining its surface. The base

of the curve comes into contact with the structure of the building, through a form of

support -simply supported-, like a beam that rests locked on the corbels of two columns,

and manages to remain immobile in place by its own weight. A collaborating skeleton

provisionally configures the determined silhouette. The desired radius and path are

jealously pre-dimensioned. The catenary must be perfect. A value error disables the

angle to skate naturally.

It is made from a reinforced concrete shell 10 cm thick, with an inner grid formed by ½

inch steel ribs, in two directions every 20 cm. Metal stabilizers on the finished edges,

and a protective coating with corrugated galvanized steel sheet.”

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