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2 | November 11, 2020 | MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS MALIBUmalibusurfsidenews.comSpecial EditionSURFSIDE NEWSPolice Reports3News4Editorial14Faith Briefs31Sports37Home of the Week38POSTED TO malibusurfsidenews.comMHS boosters Christmas tree lotreturns later this monthmalibusurfsidenews.com15DAYS AGOph: 310.457.2112fx: 310.457.0936EDITORScott Steepletonscott@malibusurfsidenews.comSCOTT STEEPLETON, EditorThe holiday spirit will be alivedespite the pandemic as the CommunityChristmas Tree Lot benefitingthe Malibu High SchoolAthletic Booster Club returns tothe Civic Center area.When it met Nov. 9, the MalibuCity Council was asked to waivefacility use and staffing fees forthe boosters’ use of the Ioki Property,at Civic Center Way andWebb Way. Doing so, accordingto a staff report, will cost the citymore than $37,000. But the moveallows the club to bring in thatmuch more money for sports programsat the high school.The fees break down like this:$36,120 for use of the propertyNov. 27 through Christmas Eve.Staff fees for the period amountto $1,760.The boosters asked for and thecouncil approved a similar waiverin 2019, saving the boosters about$36,000.Noble, Douglas and Nordmanfirs were for sale last year, insizes ranging from 2 to 10 feet.Prices were $49-$400 and homedelivery was available. The 2019lot also featured wreaths and garlands,along with Malibu ornaments,candles, gifts and Sharkspirit gear.Additional details will be releasedsoon by the booster club.SALES DIRECTORMary Hoganmary@malibusurfsidenews.comMayor calls for togethernessFreedom MediaMalibu Surfside NewsP.O. Box 6854Malibu, CA 90264following electionwww.MalibuSurfsideNews.comMalibu Surfside Newsis printed in a direct-to-plateprocess using soy-based inks.CIRCULATION“Malibu Surfside News” (USPS #364-790) ispublished weekly on Wednesdays byFreedom MediaMalibu Surfside NewsP.O. Box 6854Malibu, CA 90264Periodicals Postage Paid at Malibu, California offices.Published by Freedom MediaMICHELE WILLER-ALLREDStaff ReporterIn the wake of the GeneralElection, Mayor Mikke Piersonis urging Malibu and thenation to move forward in aless divisive way.“I want to thank all thecandidates that ran,” he saidduring the Nov. 5 City Councilmeeting. “It’s a big commitmentto even step up andgive it a go. And I want tocongratulate the winners.”According to preliminaryresults from Los AngelesCounty election officials,Bruce Silverstein, SteveUhring, and Paul Grisantiwere the top three vote gettersduring the Nov. 3 electionfor three open seats onthe Malibu council.Both Skylar Peak and JeffersonWagner are termedout after serving eight yearson the council. Councilmember Rick Mullen failedto garner enough votes for asecond term.City Manager Reva Feldmansaid official electionresults are supposed to beposted by the county on Nov.30, and that the city will beinstalling new council membersat the Dec. 14 regularmeeting that will be heldvirtually.Pierson said he is disheartenedabout the state of thecity and the nation.“We all live here, and Ithink we all generally care.And, my wish would bethat we don’t always agree,we agree to treat each otherwell and with respect andunderstand that everybody isdoing their best in a difficultsituation.”“I really hope we canfind a way as a city to healthrough a lot of difficulttimes lately,” he added.Pierson also said that currentand future council membershave a mandate to bringthe city forward successfully.He said they won’t alwaysagree, and that’s OK as longas they discuss things andfind a positive way to moveforward and support the cityand its residents.Pierson said he talkedto the presumptive councilwinners and they feel thesame way.“We do all want to bringthe city forward in a positivemanner, while recognizingwe’ve been through sometough times and we may stillhave more. We don’t know,”he said.Feldman said she was alsopleased to announce the passageof Measure T, whichraises the city’s TransientOccupancy Tax from 12 to15 percent. That measurereceived 57 percent of thevote.“It will certainly providesome much needed additionalrevenue to the city once itcomes into effect,” Feldmansaid.IT’S MORE THAN JUST A COLLECTION OFNUMBERS AND WORDS...IT’S A DESTINATION.A REPRESENTATION OF YOUR STYLE AND WAYOF LIFE. A PLACE YOU CALL HOME.22611 Pacific Coast Hwy. | Malibu, CA 90265 | DRE MALIBUMALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS | November 11, 2020 | 3POLICE REPORTSThieves target credit cards, water pumps, apparelMICHELE WILLER-ALLREDStaff ReporterOct. 26• A $1,000 iPhone and a$500 Goyard wallet containingcredit cards wereamong the items reportedlystolen from a vehicle parkedjust outside the SurfriderBeach parking lot at 23000Pacific Coast Highway. Thealleged victim stated heplaced his car keys on topof a tire before going to surfat around 10 a.m. He alsostated he might have left thevehicle unlocked. When hereturned, items were missingfrom his car. He was notifiedby the bank that therewere $18,000 in fraudulentcharges on his credit cardsat unknown stores.Oct. 23• Seven women’s jackets,with a total value of $945,reportedly were stolen fromLululemon, 3880 CrossCreek Rd. Employees reportedthat on Oct. 6, foursuspects wearing face masksentered the store. They removeditems from the hangersand placed the clothinginside a large bag and leftwithout paying. Securityvideo also captured the theft.Oct. 22• Generators, water pumps,and various tools, with atotal value of $2,580, reportedlywere stolen froma property on Gorge Road.The land owner stated shenoticed a wooden cabinetbroken into and the itemsmissing. A neighbor spottedan unknown whiteFord pickup truck parkedon the property at around8:30 a.m. Trash was leftbehind.Oct. 20• Two iPhones valued at$1,800 and various creditcards reportedly were stolenfrom a vehicle parked at28128 Pacific Coast Highway.At around 9:30 a.m.Sept. 12, the alleged victimparked his vehicle on thenorth side of PCH to gosurfing at Paradise Cove.He placed the car key betweenthe chassis of a tireand wheel well area. Afterreturning from surfing at12:30 p.m., he was unable tofind the key but also had anotherkey he hid on a sparetire. He was notified by hisbank that his credit cardwas charged approximately$20,000 at Bloomingdalesin Glendale. It was notedthat the store used a dualauthentication process toverify the charges, but thesuspect(s) were able to usethe victim’s phone as ameans of verification.Oct. 17• A vehicle door sustained$1,500 in damages duringa road rage incident thatoccurred at 21203 PacificCoast Highway. The allegedvictim stated thatat around 6:30 p.m., hewas traveling east on PCHwhen he was involved in aroad rage incident with anunidentified male suspectdriving a BMW convertible.The victim stated hehonked his horn to avoida collision when the suspectmade an unsafe lanechange. The suspect thenpulled up next to him andyelled for him to pull over.After the victim pulledover, the suspect exited thevehicle and then kicked thepassenger side door, yelledprofanities, got back intothe vehicle and drove easton PCH. The respondingdeputy observed a footlongdent on the passengerside rear door.Oct. 17• An $850 Apple phone anda wallet with credit cardswere among the items reportedlystolen from alocked vehicle parked atSurfrider Beach, 23200 PacificCoast Highway. Thealleged victim stated thatat noon, he locked the vehicleand hid the key fob inthe front wheel well whilehe went surfing. When hereturned at 3 p.m., the keyfob was missing. The victim’scredit cards were usedat various retail stores.Oct. 14• About $51 in cash andvarious credit cards reportedlywere stolen froma vehicle parked at 33850Pacific Coast Highway.The alleged victim statedthat on Oct. 11, his walletwas stolen from the lockedvehicle while he went surfingat around 8 a.m. Heplaced the key fob insidea lock box and secured itwith a combo lock underneaththe rear bumper, butwhen he returned at 11:50,the lockbox was cut and thekey stolen.The Malibu Surfside Newspolice reports are compiledfrom official records on fileat the Los Angeles CountySheriff’s Department Malibu/LostHills Station. Individualsnamed in thesereports are considered innocentuntil proven guiltyin a court of law.TILEENCOUNTERSShowroom openMondaytoFriday10:00 -4:00Saturday10:00 -2:00Malibu family-ownedbusiness805 654 8888TILEVENTURA.COMsales@tileventura.com4009 EMAINST-VENTURAKITCHENCOUNTERTOPBACKSPLASHBATHROOMLIVINGROOMFIREPLACEPOOLDECKPATIOSTONECERAMICPORCELAINCLAY

2 | November 11, 2020 | MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS MALIBU

Special Edition


Police Reports3



Faith Briefs31


Home of the Week38


MHS boosters Christmas tree lot

returns later this month



ph: 310.457.2112

fx: 310.457.0936


Scott Steepleton


The holiday spirit will be alive

despite the pandemic as the Community

Christmas Tree Lot benefiting

the Malibu High School

Athletic Booster Club returns to

the Civic Center area.

When it met Nov. 9, the Malibu

City Council was asked to waive

facility use and staffing fees for

the boosters’ use of the Ioki Property,

at Civic Center Way and

Webb Way. Doing so, according

to a staff report, will cost the city

more than $37,000. But the move

allows the club to bring in that

much more money for sports programs

at the high school.

The fees break down like this:

$36,120 for use of the property

Nov. 27 through Christmas Eve.

Staff fees for the period amount

to $1,760.

The boosters asked for and the

council approved a similar waiver

in 2019, saving the boosters about


Noble, Douglas and Nordman

firs were for sale last year, in

sizes ranging from 2 to 10 feet.

Prices were $49-$400 and home

delivery was available. The 2019

lot also featured wreaths and garlands,

along with Malibu ornaments,

candles, gifts and Shark

spirit gear.

Additional details will be released

soon by the booster club.


Mary Hogan

Mayor calls for togetherness

Freedom Media

Malibu Surfside News

P.O. Box 6854

Malibu, CA 90264

following election

Malibu Surfside News

is printed in a direct-to-plate

process using soy-based inks.


“Malibu Surfside News” (USPS #364-790) is

published weekly on Wednesdays by

Freedom Media

Malibu Surfside News

P.O. Box 6854

Malibu, CA 90264

Periodicals Postage Paid at Malibu, California offices.

Published by Freedom Media


Staff Reporter

In the wake of the General

Election, Mayor Mikke Pierson

is urging Malibu and the

nation to move forward in a

less divisive way.

“I want to thank all the

candidates that ran,” he said

during the Nov. 5 City Council

meeting. “It’s a big commitment

to even step up and

give it a go. And I want to

congratulate the winners.”

According to preliminary

results from Los Angeles

County election officials,

Bruce Silverstein, Steve

Uhring, and Paul Grisanti

were the top three vote getters

during the Nov. 3 election

for three open seats on

the Malibu council.

Both Skylar Peak and Jefferson

Wagner are termed

out after serving eight years

on the council. Council

member Rick Mullen failed

to garner enough votes for a

second term.

City Manager Reva Feldman

said official election

results are supposed to be

posted by the county on Nov.

30, and that the city will be

installing new council members

at the Dec. 14 regular

meeting that will be held


Pierson said he is disheartened

about the state of the

city and the nation.

“We all live here, and I

think we all generally care.

And, my wish would be

that we don’t always agree,

we agree to treat each other

well and with respect and

understand that everybody is

doing their best in a difficult


“I really hope we can

find a way as a city to heal

through a lot of difficult

times lately,” he added.

Pierson also said that current

and future council members

have a mandate to bring

the city forward successfully.

He said they won’t always

agree, and that’s OK as long

as they discuss things and

find a positive way to move

forward and support the city

and its residents.

Pierson said he talked

to the presumptive council

winners and they feel the

same way.

“We do all want to bring

the city forward in a positive

manner, while recognizing

we’ve been through some

tough times and we may still

have more. We don’t know,”

he said.

Feldman said she was also

pleased to announce the passage

of Measure T, which

raises the city’s Transient

Occupancy Tax from 12 to

15 percent. That measure

received 57 percent of the


“It will certainly provide

some much needed additional

revenue to the city once it

comes into effect,” Feldman






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