24 Seven November 2020

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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Know What Insurance Covers

This article does not go into detail on the

insurance issues involved with having surgery,

but it is extremely important to contact both

your insurance company and all the providers

involved (surgeon, hospital, anesthesiologist,

pathologist and any specialists) to ensure

you will be covered by insurance and not get

any surprise bills. More and more patients

are being able to determine the costs of the

surgery ahead of time. You can also go to

websites such as Healthcare Bluebook and

Fairhealth Consumer to find out the typical

costs in different areas.

Be Prepared for Discharge

Ask about the recovery after surgery. You

need to determine if you will require help at

home or if you will be going to a rehabilitation

facility first before going home. Ask about any

specific medical equipment, therapy, or home

care assistance for treatments or devices that

you will need after surgery during recovery.

Prepare Your Body and Mind

It is important to physically and mentally

prepare for an upcoming surgery. You will

need to follow any preoperative instructions

the surgeon and medical team provide you,

but you can do more yourself. The list below

are some recommended suggestions to help

you prepare:

From The Story

Being in

the hospital



you have


to help you



going on

and be at

your side

with a



- Advance directive

- HCP document

- POSLT if you have it


- Name of a contact person and phone


- Your physician’s names & phone numbers

- Notebook and pen to take notes

- Cell phone and charger

- Book, newspaper or crossword if there is

waiting time

- Socks, sweaters in case of cool temps

- Disinfectant wipes- use frequently to wipe

down all high touch surfaces

Don’t Go It Alone!

You can see that there is a lot of preparation

and questions to be asked prior to surgery.

Enlist the help of a loved one or friend to

navigate this journey. You can also hire a

private healthcare advocate to assist you as

well. Remember, being in the hospital requires

that you have someone to help you understand

everything going on and be at your side with a

“watchful eye”.

• Eat plenty of protein to promote wound

healing and boost your immune system.

• Eat a high fiber diet of fruits and vegetables

to keep your GI system healthy when you are

not moving as much.

• Avoid sugary and processed foods.

• Increase your physical activity.

• Lose weight, if needed.

• Get a good amount of sleep.

• Discuss any fears or anxieties with a

trusted friend or therapist.

• Envision and focus on a positive outcome

and that your body is strong and will heal


• Have your Hospital toolkit bag ready

consisting of:

- A list of your medications with dosages

and frequency and supplements as well as

a list of your medical conditions and past

surgeries and hospitalizations

- Insurance cards and you can keep a copy

of them in your bad

About The Author


Lorie Gardner RN, BSN, NBC-HWC, founded

Healthlink Advocates, Inc., to assist people with

all aspects of their healthcare. As private nurse

patient advocates and board certified health &

wellness coaches, they partner with clients seeking

assistance navigating the complex healthcare

system and those seeking self-directed, lasting

health improvements aligned with their values.

To Learn More Visit:


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